Considerations for Postacute Rehabilitation for Survivors of COVID-19
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19462
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| 86628 | 55 | 231 | |
Global Telemedicine Implementation and Integration Within Health Systems to Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Call to Action
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18810
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| 73434 | 37 | 702 | |
Tracking Social Media Discourse About the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of a Public Coronavirus Twitter Data Set
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19273
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| 55751 | 420 | 423 | |
Rates of Prevalent HIV Infection, Prevalent Diagnoses, and New Diagnoses Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in US States, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and Counties, 2012-2013
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2016;2(1):e22
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| 47606 | 46 | 90 | |
Dentists’ Awareness, Perception, and Attitude Regarding COVID-19 and Infection Control: Cross-Sectional Study Among Jordanian Dentists
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18798
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| 47029 | 3 | 243 | |
Misinformation of COVID-19 on the Internet: Infodemiology Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18444
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| 45667 | 25 | 376 | |
Junk Food Marketing on Instagram: Content Analysis
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2018;4(2):e54
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| 44921 | 55 | 97 | |
Knowledge and Perceptions of COVID-19 Among Health Care Workers: Cross-Sectional Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19160
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| 42682 | 4 | 306 | |
COVID-19 in India: Statewise Analysis and Prediction
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(3):e20341
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| 41140 | 10 | 58 | |
Belief in a COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory as a Predictor of Mental Health and Well-Being of Health Care Workers in Ecuador: Cross-Sectional Survey Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(3):e20737
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| 32476 | 30 | 112 | |
Predicting COVID-19 Incidence Through Analysis of Google Trends Data in Iran: Data Mining and Deep Learning Pilot Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18828
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| 31286 | 7 | 258 | |
Knowledge and Behaviors Toward COVID-19 Among US Residents During the Early Days of the Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Online Questionnaire
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19161
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| 30464 | 5 | 213 | |
Tweet for Behavior Change: Using Social Media for the Dissemination of Public Health Messages
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2017;3(1):e14
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| 29126 | 70 | 174 | |
The Three Steps Needed to End the COVID-19 Pandemic: Bold Public Health Leadership, Rapid Innovations, and Courageous Political Will
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19043
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| 25638 | 73 | 90 | |
Data Mining and Content Analysis of the Chinese Social Media Platform Weibo During the Early COVID-19 Outbreak: Retrospective Observational Infoveillance Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18700
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| 25163 | 22 | 143 | |
Global Sentiments Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter: Analysis of Twitter Trends
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19447
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| 24515 | 9 | 313 | |
Public Perception of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(4):e21978
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| 23426 | 19 | 305 | |
Social Media and Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents: Is there a link?
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2017;3(2):e28
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| 20813 | 26 | 45 | |
Assessment of Health Information About COVID-19 Prevention on the Internet: Infodemiological Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18717
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| 20481 | 26 | 145 | |
Perspective of Medical Students on the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey of Nine Medical Schools in Uganda
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e19847
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| 20204 | 16 | 63 | |
Digital or Digitally Delivered Responses to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(3):e19831
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| 20083 | 17 | 119 | |
Geosocial-Networking App Usage Patterns of Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men: Survey Among Users of Grindr, A Mobile Dating App
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2015;1(1):e4
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| 19556 | 6 | 148 | |
Use of Health Belief Model–Based Deep Learning Classifiers for COVID-19 Social Media Content to Examine Public Perceptions of Physical Distancing: Model Development and Case Study
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(3):e20493
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| 19293 | 7 | 67 | |
“Mommy Blogs” and the Vaccination Exemption Narrative: Results From A Machine-Learning Approach for Story Aggregation on Parenting Social Media Sites
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2016;2(2):e166
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| 19079 | 30 | 60 | |
Estimating the Population Sizes of Men Who Have Sex With Men in US States and Counties Using Data From the American Community Survey
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2016;2(1):e14
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| 18951 | 67 | 159 | |