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Public Mass Shootings: Counterfactual Trend Analysis of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Public Mass Shootings: Counterfactual Trend Analysis of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban

Public Mass Shootings: Counterfactual Trend Analysis of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban

1Buehler Center for Health Policy & Economics, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, , 9-933 Rubloff Building, 420 E Superior St, Chicago, IL, , United States

2Criminology, Law and Public Policy, Northeastern University, , New York, NY, , United States

3Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University, , Chicago, IL, , United StatesUnited States

4Medical Social Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, , Chicago, IL, , United States

5Steve Hicks School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin, , Austin, TX, , United States

Corresponding Author:

Alex Lars Lundberg, PhD

Background: Assault weapon and large-capacity magazine bans are potential tools for policy makers to prevent public mass shootings. However, the efficacy of these bans is a continual source of debate. In an earlier study, we estimated the impact of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (FAWB) on the number of public mass shooting events in the United States. This study provides an updated assessment with 3 additional years of firearm surveillance data to characterize the longer-term effects.

Objective: This study aims to estimate the impact of the FAWB on trends in public mass shootings from 1966 to 2022.

Methods: We used linear regression to estimate the impact of the FAWB on the 4-year simple moving average of annual public mass shootings, defined by events with 4 or more deaths in 24 hours, not including the perpetrator. The study period spans 1966 to 2022. The model includes indicator variables for both the FAWB period (1995‐2004) and the period after its removal (2005‐2022). These indicators were interacted with a linear time trend. Estimates were controlled for the national homicide rate. After estimation, the model provided counterfactual estimates of public mass shootings if the FAWB was never imposed and if the FAWB remained in place.

Results: The overall upward trajectory in the number of public mass shootings substantially fell while the FAWB was in place. These trends are specific to events in which the perpetrator used an assault weapon or large-capacity magazine. Point estimates suggest the FAWB prevented up to 5 public mass shootings while the ban was active. A continuation of the FAWB and large-capacity magazine ban would have prevented up to 38 public mass shootings, but the CIs become wider as time moves further away from the period of the FAWB.

Conclusions: The FAWB, which included a ban on large-capacity magazines, was associated with fewer public mass shooting events, fatalities, and nonfatal gun injuries. Gun control legislation is an important public health tool in the prevention of public mass shootings.

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e62952



Public mass shootings constitute a fraction, less than 1%, of the approximately 20,000 annual firearm homicides in the United States [Laine C, Bornstein SS. Firearm injury: an escalating health crisis. Ann Intern Med. Mar 2023;176(3):398-399. [CrossRef] [Medline]1-Drake B. Mass shootings rivet national attention, but are a small share of gun violence. Pew Research Center. Sep 13, 2013. URL: https:/​/www.​​short-reads/​2013/​09/​17/​mass-shootings-rivet-national-attention-but-are-a-small-share-of-gun-violence/​ [Accessed 2024-09-18] 5]. However, their notoriety commands national attention, propelling debates on gun policy and fueling the ongoing quest among policy makers to stop these events [Schildkraut J, Elsass HJ, Meredith K. Mass shootings and the media: why all events are not created equal. J Crime Justice. Feb 5, 2018;41(3):223-243. [CrossRef]6-Spitzer RJ. The Politics of Gun Control. Routledge; 2020. ISBN: 100304937014]. The US Congress passed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban (FAWB), also known as the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, on August 25, 1994, and President Bill Clinton signed the act into law on September 13, 1994 [H.R.4296 - Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. May 16, 1994. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 15]. The ban was set to expire after 10 years in 2004, and Congress did not renew it. The ban prohibited the sale and manufacture of certain semiautomatic weapons and magazines that could hold more than 10 rounds [United States Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice. Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, Second Session, on HR 3527 April 25, 1995. US Government Printing Office; 1995:iv-271. ISBN: 016046983X16]. It also established rules for the secure storage and transfer of firearms and devices regulated by the law that were owned before the legislation.

The definition of an assault weapon can be a source of confusion. Semiautomatic weapons and assault weapons (second grip plus other features) are often mistakenly conflated [Wallace EG. Assault weapon myths. South Illinois University Law J. 2018;43:193. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 17-Pfau MW. Defining the deadly: definitional argument and the assault weapons ban controversy. Argumentation Advocacy. Jul 20, 2020;56(3):155-173. [CrossRef]19]. Semiautomatic weapons will automatically load another cartridge into a chamber but require a handler to manually release and press the trigger to fire each round. Semiautomatic weapons are common in the United States and include the majority of pistols. Automatic weapons further allow a handler to hold the trigger for continuous fire [Koper CS, Johnson WD, Nichols JL, Ayers A, Mullins N. Criminal use of assault weapons and high-capacity semiautomatic firearms: an updated examination of local and national sources. J Urban Health. Jun 2018;95(3):313-321. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. The FAWB explicitly noted some of the most commonly purchased assault weapons [United States Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice. Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, Second Session, on HR 3527 April 25, 1995. US Government Printing Office; 1995:iv-271. ISBN: 016046983X16]. The ban covered firearms having a detachable magazine and at least two of the following: a telescoping stock, a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously, a bayonet mount, a flash suppressor, or a grenade launcher. Semiautomatic pistols and shotguns were similarly banned contingent on the presence of other specific attachments.

The FAWB also prohibited the manufacture and sale of large-capacity magazines (LCMs) defined as holding more than 10 bullets [Klarevas L, Conner A, Hemenway D. The effect of large-capacity magazine bans on high-fatality mass shootings, 1990-2017. Am J Public Health. Dec 2019;109(12):1754-1761. [CrossRef] [Medline]21]. The LCM ban may have been more impactful than the assault weapons ban, as several studies have shown a negative association between LCM bans and casualty counts at the state level [Klarevas L, Conner A, Hemenway D. The effect of large-capacity magazine bans on high-fatality mass shootings, 1990-2017. Am J Public Health. Dec 2019;109(12):1754-1761. [CrossRef] [Medline]21-Webster DW, McCourt AD, Crifasi CK, Booty MD, Stuart EA. Evidence concerning the regulation of firearms design, sale, and carrying on fatal mass shootings in the United States. Criminology Public Policy. Feb 2020;19(1):171-212. [CrossRef]26]. These and other studies have also examined the broader effect of the FAWB on various outcome measures [Koper CS, Roth JA. The impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban on gun violence outcomes: an assessment of multiple outcome measures and some lessons for policy evaluation. J Quant Criminol. Mar 2001;17(1):33-74. [CrossRef]27-Gius M. An examination of the effects of concealed weapons laws and assault weapons bans on state-level murder rates. Appl Economics Lett. Mar 4, 2014;21(4):265-267. [CrossRef]29]. For example, Gius [Gius M. The impact of state and federal assault weapons bans on public mass shootings. Appl Economics Lett. Mar 4, 2015;22(4):281-284. [CrossRef]30] found that the FAWB was associated with fewer mass shooting deaths in a model combining state and federal bans, but Koper et al [Koper CS, Woods DJ, Roth JA. Updated assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: impacts on gun markets and gun violence, 1994-2003. US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs. Jul 2004. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 28] did not find an association between the FAWB and deaths in a broader inclusion of all gun homicides.

This study focuses on the impact of the FAWB on public mass shootings. The approach differs from previous research in three aspects: (1) a focus on public mass shooting events as the primary outcome variable, (2) counterfactual estimates of the number of events that would have occurred had the FAWB never been implemented, and (3) analogous estimates if the FAWB were continued. Because assailants often aim to maximize casualties, the restrictions imposed by the FAWB may have had a greater impact on public mass shootings than on other types of mass shootings (eg, family annihilation) [Fox JA, Levin J. Mass murder in America: trends, characteristics, explanations, and policy response. Homicide Stud. Oct 16, 2021;26(1):27-46. [CrossRef]31,Fox JA, Levin J. Mass confusion concerning mass murder. Criminologist. 2015;40(1):8-11. URL: https:/​/crimeresearch.​org/​wp-content/​uploads/​2014/​10/​Mass-Confusion-concerning-Mass-Murder-The-Criminologist.​pdf [Accessed 2024-09-18] 32]. Assault weapons and LCMs facilitate the rapid discharge of rounds, increasing the potential for higher casualty counts [Klarevas L, Conner A, Hemenway D. The effect of large-capacity magazine bans on high-fatality mass shootings, 1990-2017. Am J Public Health. Dec 2019;109(12):1754-1761. [CrossRef] [Medline]21].

Most FAWB studies focus on the reduction in fatalities or injuries as outcome variables. Koper and Roth [Koper CS, Roth JA. The impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban on gun violence outcomes: an assessment of multiple outcome measures and some lessons for policy evaluation. J Quant Criminol. Mar 2001;17(1):33-74. [CrossRef]27] and Post et al [Post L, Mason M, Singh LN, et al. Impact of firearm surveillance on gun control policy: regression discontinuity analysis. JMIR Public Health Surveill. Apr 22, 2021;7(4):e26042. [CrossRef] [Medline]33] are exceptions, which focused on the number of public mass shootings. However, Koper and Roth [Koper CS, Roth JA. The impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban on gun violence outcomes: an assessment of multiple outcome measures and some lessons for policy evaluation. J Quant Criminol. Mar 2001;17(1):33-74. [CrossRef]27] tempered their FAWB research findings “because the ban’s long-term effects could differ from the short-term impacts revealed by this study.” To that end, this study extends our prior research to examine the association between the FAWB and public mass shooting events.

Our previous study followed a similar methodology, and the results indicated an increase in public mass shooting events, fatalities, and injuries following the expiration of the FAWB [Post L, Mason M, Singh LN, et al. Impact of firearm surveillance on gun control policy: regression discontinuity analysis. JMIR Public Health Surveill. Apr 22, 2021;7(4):e26042. [CrossRef] [Medline]33]. This study provides an update with an additional 3 years of data and trend analysis for fatalities and injuries, which were not included in the original study. Lastly, this study also includes results on public mass shooting events separated by those in which a weapon potentially classifiable as an assault weapon was used.


To define a public mass shooting, we adopted the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s definition of a massacre, in which 4 or more people (apart from an assailant) are killed within a single event [Fox JA, Fridel EE. Keeping with tradition: preference for the longstanding definition of mass shooting. J Mass Violence Res. Sep 12, 2022;1(2):17-26. [CrossRef]34]. We added the requirement for a shooting to have occurred in a public setting and committed within a 24-hour time frame, as in Fox et al [Fox JA, Sanders NE, Fridel EE, Duwe G, Rocque M. The contagion of mass shootings: the interdependence of large-scale massacres and mass media coverage. Statistics Public Policy. Jan 1, 2021;8(1):53-66. [CrossRef]35-Fox JA, Levin J, Fridel EE. Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder. Sage Publications; 2023. ISBN: 107186264237]. This restriction distinguishes public mass shootings from other types of spree killings, which can occur over longer time and location horizons. Data were sourced from the Violence Project, which maintains a database on mass shooting events in the United States from 1966 onward. The Violence Project is led by Peterson and Densely [Peterson J, Densley J. The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic. Harry N Abrams; 2021. ISBN: 164700227338], who make data available through Hamline University.

We used linear regression to estimate the impact of the FAWB on the 5-year simple moving average (SMA) [Nau R. Forecasting with moving averages. Duke University. Aug 2014. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 39,Paroli M, Sirinian MI. Predicting SARS-CoV-2 infection trend using technical analysis indicators. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. Feb 2021;15(1):e10-e14. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]. The SMA model estimates the mean value for public mass shooting events for each year:

Et=β0+β1fawb+β1fawbt+β2postfawb +β3 postfawbt+β4t+β5homt+et(1)

The dependent variable, Et, is the 5-year SMA of public mass shootings in year t. The indicators fawb and postfawb are set to 1 for the years 1995‐2004 and 2005‐2022. Because the FAWB was enacted in late 1994, we coded 1995‐2004 as years under the ban. Lastly, let homt denote the homicide rate in year t. Because year t was almost perfectly correlated with population, the model dropped population as a control to avoid high collinearity. Statistical inference was based on an α level of .05 with heteroskedasticity robust SEs.

We conducted two counterfactual exercises. The first estimated the number of public mass shootings that would have occurred from 1995 to 2004 if the FAWB had not been adopted. The second projected forward the number of events that would have occurred had the FAWB remained in place from 2005 to 2022. The difference between the predicted values from these exercises and the actual number of events provided estimates of the number of events prevented by the FAWB and the number of events created by its removal, respectively.

Ethical Considerations

This study does not constitute research with human subjects because all data were publicly available. Institutional review board review was therefore unsolicited. This study followed the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics and the World Medical Association Helsinki Declaration.

The data contained 184 public mass shooting events from 1966 to 2022. The years before the FAWB (1966‐1994) contained 55 events. The period of the ban is defined as 1995‐2004 because the legislation was passed at the end of 1994 and expired at the end of 2004. This period contained 34 events, and the period after the ban (2005‐2022) contained 95 events.

Figure 1A plots the 5-year SMA of events over the sample period. The first data point therefore begins in 1970. The figure shows an increase in events over time. The maximum 5-year SMA of 6.8 occurred in 2019. However, trend lines vary significantly for the periods before, during, and after the FAWB. In particular, the trend was negative for the FAWB period but positive before and after the ban. Figure 1B presents analogous trends for the 5-year SMA of fatalities in public mass shootings, while Figure 1C presents trends for nonfatal gun injuries. The trend line for fatalities was slightly positive during the FAWB, but the magnitude of the slope was much lower than for either period around the ban. The trend line for injuries sloped down during the FAWB, while it sloped up in either period around the ban.

The trend lines in Figure 1 are based solely on year as a covariate. With a focus on events, Table 1 presents the results from the full regression model 1. The ordinary least squares regression fit line returned a slope coefficient of 0.10 for the years 1966‐1994. While the FAWB was in place from 1995 to 2004, the slope was −0.06. The slope became positive again after the removal of the ban. In fact, at 0.20, the slope was nearly twice the magnitude of the period before the ban. The adjusted R2 value of 0.95 is a common feature of time series analysis, in which R2 is typically much higher than in a cross-sectional analysis [Wooldridge JM. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. MIT Press; 2010. ISBN: 026229679941].

Figure 1. Trends in the 5-year moving average of events, fatalities, and nonfatal gun injuries from public mass shootings in the United States from 1966 to 2022. FAWB: Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
Table 1. Ordinary least squares regression results for model 1.
Et (SE)P values
fawb327.00 (109.94)<.001
postfawb−201.92 (42.60)<.001
fawbt−0.16 (0.06)<.001
postfawbt0.10 (0.02)<.001
year0.10 (0.01)<.001
hom−0.23 (0.08).008
constant−188.50 (28.16)<.001
Adjusted R20.95
F statistic (df)137.32 (6,46)<.001

aNot applicable.

Figure 2 presents the counterfactual exercises from the regression model. The first counterfactual trend shows the estimated 5-year SMA of events if the FAWB had never been imposed. Estimates are denoted by triangles, and they are much higher than the actual moving average of events from 2000 until roughly 2021. The exercise indicates a substantial increase in events if the FAWB had not been imposed. The sum of the annual differences between the counterfactual and actual SMAs from 1995 to 2004 suggests the FAWB prevented 5 public mass shootings.

Figure 2. Counterfactual estimates for the number of public mass shootings in the United States from 1966 to 2022 in the absence or continuation of the FAWB. FAWB: Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

The second counterfactual exercise shows the estimated 5-year SMA of events if the FAWB had continued until 2022. Estimates are denoted by diamonds. The results starkly diverge from the actual moving average of events. The counterfactual estimates began an immediate downward trend after the FAWB, while the actual moving average quickly trended upward. The sum of the annual differences between the counterfactual and actual moving averages from 2005 to 2022 suggests that a continuation of the FAWB may have prevented up to 38 events over the period (see

Multimedia Appendix 1

Counterfactual estimates with 95% CIs for the absence and continuation of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

PNG File, 397 KBMultimedia Appendix 1 for Figure 2 with 95% CIs).

Data from the Violence Project also contain detailed information on the firearms used in events. Figure 3 contains trend lines, similar to Figure 1, but for events in which either an assault weapon was used or not. To derive these categories, we first set a filter to exclude weapons collected by police but recorded as not used in the shooting. We coded “yes” for an assault weapon whenever at least one weapon in the event was designated as either an assault weapon or had an LCM. However, for every revolver, we reclassified any missing value for large capacity to “no,” as these firearms cannot be modified to have a large capacity. We also consulted with firearm experts to classify the remaining missing values in the database. Of the 192 public mass shooting cases, 116 involved at least one assault weapon, and 76 did not involve any. We noted that these categories should be viewed as proxies to coverage under the FAWB given the complexity of the legislation (see the Introduction section for details on the types of weapons covered by the ban).

The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the FAWB reduced public mass shooting events. In Figure 3A, the SMA of events in which the perpetrator used at least one assault weapon trended upward outside of the FAWB and downward during the FAWB. In comparison to Figure 3B, trends in the SMA for events in which no assault weapon was used were relatively flat, and the magnitudes of the SMAs were much smaller.

Figure 3. Trends in the 5-year simple moving average of public mass shootings in the United States from 1966 to 2022 that did and did not involve an assault weapon. FAWB: Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

Principal Findings

The results suggest the FAWB had a sizeable impact on the number of public mass shootings in the United States. From 1966 to 2022, public mass shootings trended upward. However, the trend was interrupted while the FAWB was in place. Furthermore, counterfactual exercises suggest events would have been higher if the FAWB had not been imposed, events would not have risen so rapidly after 2004 if the FAWB had remained in place, and mass shooters without access to an assault weapon and LCMs did not substitute other weapons to commit mass shootings. Our first counterfactual estimate is consistent with but smaller than Nagin et al’s [Nagin DS, Koper CS, Lum C. Policy recommendations for countering mass shootings in the United States. Criminology Public Policy. Feb 2020;19(1):9-15. [CrossRef]12] and Koper et al’s [Koper CS, Johnson WD, Nichols JL, Ayers A, Mullins N. Criminal use of assault weapons and high-capacity semiautomatic firearms: an updated examination of local and national sources. J Urban Health. Jun 2018;95(3):313-321. [CrossRef] [Medline]20,Koper CS. Assessing the potential to reduce deaths and injuries from mass shootings through restrictions on assault weapons and other high‐capacity semiautomatic firearms. Criminology Public Policy. Feb 2020;19(1):147-170. [CrossRef]24,Koper CS, Roth JA. The impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban on gun violence outcomes: an assessment of multiple outcome measures and some lessons for policy evaluation. J Quant Criminol. Mar 2001;17(1):33-74. [CrossRef]27,Koper CS, Woods DJ, Roth JA. Updated assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: impacts on gun markets and gun violence, 1994-2003. US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs. Jul 2004. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 28] findings: 5 versus 9 fewer events during the 10-year FAWB. DiMaggio et al [DiMaggio C, Avraham J, Berry C, et al. Changes in US mass shooting deaths associated with the 1994-2004 Federal Assault Weapons Ban: analysis of open-source data. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Jan 2019;86(1):11-19. [CrossRef] [Medline]42] also reported a decrease in events during the ban using a shorter sample period with fewer events. Gius [Gius M. The impact of state and federal assault weapons bans on public mass shootings. Appl Economics Lett. Mar 4, 2015;22(4):281-284. [CrossRef]30] found that the FAWB was associated with fewer mass shooting deaths in a model combining state and federal bans. While Koper and Roth [Koper CS, Roth JA. The impact of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon Ban on gun violence outcomes: an assessment of multiple outcome measures and some lessons for policy evaluation. J Quant Criminol. Mar 2001;17(1):33-74. [CrossRef]27] and Koper et al [Koper CS, Woods DJ, Roth JA. Updated assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: impacts on gun markets and gun violence, 1994-2003. US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs. Jul 2004. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 28] did not find an effect, the absence may be explained by the inclusion of all gun homicides, whose substantially higher numbers could wash out any effect on the subset of public mass shootings. The triangulation of these results is meaningful because each study relied on different data sources and statistical approaches.

Compared to our first study, the second counterfactual estimate of how many mass shootings could have been prevented if the FAWB remained in place is greater (38 vs 30 fewer events). However, this increase is driven exclusively by a longer sample period, as the additional 3 years of data arrived when the rate of events was at a record high. Finally, the results in Figure 3 show a substantial increase in the rate of events in which an assault weapon was used after the FAWB was lifted.

Two points from our initial study deserve repetition. First, the increase in public mass shooting events cannot be attributed to population growth, as the rate of events has outpaced population growth. The US population grew by approximately 70% from 1966 to 2022, while the 5-year moving average of events more than quintupled [Population. US Census Bureau. URL: [Accessed 2023-10-16] 43]. The regression results were also controlled for year, which is almost perfectly collinear with the population over the sample period. Second, the negative sign on the homicide rate covariate implies the rise in public mass shootings is not simply a function of the overall homicide rate.

Mechanisms of Action

The FAWB may have worked through its two primary mechanisms: a ban on assault weapons and a ban on LCMs. For example, Webster et al [Webster DW, McCourt AD, Crifasi CK, Booty MD, Stuart EA. Evidence concerning the regulation of firearms design, sale, and carrying on fatal mass shootings in the United States. Criminology Public Policy. Feb 2020;19(1):171-212. [CrossRef]26] and Klarevas et al [Klarevas L, Conner A, Hemenway D. The effect of large-capacity magazine bans on high-fatality mass shootings, 1990-2017. Am J Public Health. Dec 2019;109(12):1754-1761. [CrossRef] [Medline]21] found that state LCM bans were associated with fewer public mass shootings and deaths per event. Because our study focused on the FAWB, we cannot differentiate between the two mechanisms of action. We note, however, that both mechanisms can affect the ability of an assailant to maximize death counts in public mass shootings. Both may therefore be important deterrents.

A decrease in fatal and nonfatal gun injuries during the FAWB is intuitive because assault weapons combined with LCMs enable mass shooters to rapidly discharge dozens of rounds within seconds. The use of an assault rifle with an LCM doubled fatalities and increased nonfatal gun injuries by 81% compared to public mass shootings without these weapons [Webster D. Policies that reduce gun violence: restricting large capacity magazines. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. May 24, 2021. URL: https:/​/publichealth.​​2021/​policies-that-reduce-gun-violence-restricting-large-capacity-magazines [Accessed 2024-09-18] 44]. Moreover, Koper [Koper CS. Assessing the potential to reduce deaths and injuries from mass shootings through restrictions on assault weapons and other high‐capacity semiautomatic firearms. Criminology Public Policy. Feb 2020;19(1):147-170. [CrossRef]24] and other investigators found that fatal mass shootings involving LCMs had 60%‐67% higher fatality counts than those without [Klarevas L, Conner A, Hemenway D. The effect of large-capacity magazine bans on high-fatality mass shootings, 1990-2017. Am J Public Health. Dec 2019;109(12):1754-1761. [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Cook PJ, Donohue JJ. Regulating assault weapons and large-capacity magazines for ammunition. JAMA. Sep 27, 2022;328(12):1191-1192. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]. What is less intuitive is why the FAWB resulted in fewer mass shooting events. Why would the ban dissuade mass shooters from committing mass shootings in the first place? One possible explanation is the desire among mass shooters to maximize death and injury, which is hindered by assault weapon and LCM bans. Another explanation is that mass shooters may prefer the active intimate role in homicide offered by a firearm over a more passive approach, such as a bomb or arson. Furthermore, Fox and Levin [Fox JA, Levin J. Mass murder in America: trends, characteristics, explanations, and policy response. Homicide Stud. Oct 16, 2021;26(1):27-46. [CrossRef]31] identified a large proportion of pseudo-commando–themed mass shootings where mass shooters dressed in battle fatigues, which included assault weapons. Some mass shooters may be driven more by the desire to project an image of power and control than by the outcome of their actions. These individuals often seek to demonstrate masculinity through symbols of military prowess, adopting a “pseudo-commando” persona to emulate military operations. If the means are as important as the end, the accessories of power and control, including assault weapons and LCMs, become necessary for these shooters. Finally, perpetrators may want to emulate prior events in terms of weapons and locations, and an increasing number of high-profile events involve the use of an assault weapon.

FAWB Limitations

The FAWB carried several limitations. First, the ban contained a grandfather clause in which any previous owner of banned weapons was allowed to retain them [Webster DW, Vernick JS, McGinty EE, Alcorn T. Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis. Johns Hopkins Press; 2013. ISBN: 142141172546]. Second, many weapons remained in the community because the ban was unaccompanied by a buyback program [Koper CS, Woods DJ, Roth JA. Updated assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: impacts on gun markets and gun violence, 1994-2003. US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs. Jul 2004. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 28]. Third, gun legislation allows buyers who acquire weapons from gun shows or directly from another owner are not required to pass background checks [Jacobs JB, Fuhr Z. The potential and limitations of universal background checking for gun purchasers. Wake Forest J Law Public Policy. May 9, 2017;7(2). URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 47,Braga AA, Brunson RK, Cook PJ, Turchan B, Wade B. Underground gun markets and the flow of illegal guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: a mixed methods analysis. J Urban Health. Oct 2021;98(5):596-608. [CrossRef] [Medline]48]. While guns are registered at the point of sale from an arms dealer, most states do not regulate the transfer of arms from one owner to the next, nor do they require a background check [Miller M, Hepburn L, Azrael D. Firearm acquisition without background checks: results of a national survey. Ann Intern Med. Feb 21, 2017;166(4):233-239. [CrossRef] [Medline]49-Siegel M, Pahn M, Xuan Z, et al. Firearm-related laws in all 50 US states, 1991-2016. Am J Public Health. Jul 2017;107(7):1122-1129. [CrossRef] [Medline]52]. The effects of the FAWB may have been stronger without these limitations. For example, Australia, England, Canada, and New Zealand implemented gun buyback programs that substantially reduced gun deaths [Chapman S, Alpers P, Agho K, Jones M. Australia’s 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings. Inj Prev. Dec 2006;12(6):365-372. [CrossRef] [Medline]53-Rocque M, Duwe G, Siegel M, Fox JA, Goder-Reiser M, Fridel EE. Policy solutions to address mass shootings. Rockefeller Institute of Government. Aug 2021. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 57].

Potential Confounders

This study extends our prior research by incorporating an additional 3 years of data, spanning from 2020 to 2022, a period that coincides with the onset and progression of the COVID-19 pandemic—the largest global health crisis in recent history [Piret J, Boivin G. Pandemics throughout history. Front Microbiol. Jan 15, 2021;11:631736. [CrossRef] [Medline]58,Liu YC, Kuo RL, Shih SR. COVID-19: The first documented coronavirus pandemic in history. Biomed J. Aug 2020;43(4):328-333. [CrossRef] [Medline]59]. The COVID-19 pandemic likely curtailed public mass shootings because its onset corresponds with the conspicuous absence of public mass shootings. Every database tracking public mass shootings shows an increase of public mass shootings over time with a notable dip at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic [Peterson J, Densley J. Violence Prevention Project Research Center. Hamlin University. 2024. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 60-Cucinotta D, Vanelli M. WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. Acta Biomed. Mar 19, 2020;91(1):157-160. [CrossRef] [Medline]63]. The last public mass shooting occurred on March 15, 2020, in Springfield, Missouri, 1‐3 weeks before state government agencies imposed mandatory stay-at-home orders [Moreland A, Herlihy C, Tynan MA, et al. Timing of state and territorial COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and changes in population movement - United States, March 1-May 31, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Sep 4, 2020;69(35):1198-1203. [CrossRef] [Medline]64]. Subsequently, the United States experienced a hiatus of 10 months, or 300 days, devoid of public mass shootings—a remarkable departure from the preceding two decades [Peterson J, Densley J. Violence Prevention Project Research Center. Hamlin University. 2024. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 60,Fox JA. Mass killing database. Northeastern University: College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 2024. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-18] 61]. Several factors likely explain the interruption. For example, stay-at-home orders, social distancing, quarantines, and bans on large gatherings may have reduced opportunities to successfully carry out a mass shooting. The rate of events rebounded in 2022 to a level consistent with the rate at the onset of the pandemic. Lastly, other confounders may also be present, such as growth in the manufacture of guns or the evolution of media coverage around mass shootings.


This study found a statistically significant difference in the incidence of public mass shootings during the FAWB. However, because the assault weapon and LCM bans in the FAWB occurred simultaneously, we cannot separately analyze the impact of one component of the legislation from the other.

Several limitations also stem from the long time horizon of the study, in particular from the reduced ability to track the implications of the FAWB as time moved further away from the sunset of the legislation. For example, due to data availability, estimates did not control the manufacture and sale of firearms in the United States, but an escalation of firearm sales coincided with the end of the FAWB [Thrush G. U.S. gun production triples since 2000, fueled by handgun purchases. May 17, 2000. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-16] 65]. Part of this increase is explained by the removal of the FAWB, but part of the increase is explained by external factors. The estimates do not control for changes in media saturation over time. “New media” had displaced mass communication while the FAWB was in place. The adoption of new media continued to expand substantially after the legislation expired [Newell J, Pilotta JJ, Thomas JC. Mass media displacement and saturation. Int J Media Manag. Oct 31, 2008;10(4):131-138. [CrossRef]66,Livingstone S. Young People and New Media: Childhood and the Changing Media Environment. SAGE Publications; 2002:1-278. ISBN: 978076196466767]. This shift may be important because the internet is a likely conduit for mass shooters to become famous through additional mass communication channels, research and emulate prior events, connect to other extremist individuals, and learn how to plan attacks [Silva JR. Mass shooting films: myths, academic knowledge, and popular criminology. Victims Offenders. Feb 27, 2019;14(2):239-264. [CrossRef]68-Meindl JN, Ivy JW. Mass shootings: the role of the media in promoting generalized imitation. Am J Public Health. Mar 2017;107(3):368-370. [CrossRef] [Medline]71]. These factors may have contributed to the growth in mass shootings over time.


Public mass shootings are a unique type of firearm homicide [Fox JA, Levin J. Mass confusion concerning mass murder. Criminologist. 2015;40(1):8-11. URL: https:/​/crimeresearch.​org/​wp-content/​uploads/​2014/​10/​Mass-Confusion-concerning-Mass-Murder-The-Criminologist.​pdf [Accessed 2024-09-18] 32]. These events may respond to different factors and policies than other types of firearm homicide [Fox JA, Levin J. Mass confusion concerning mass murder. Criminologist. 2015;40(1):8-11. URL: https:/​/crimeresearch.​org/​wp-content/​uploads/​2014/​10/​Mass-Confusion-concerning-Mass-Murder-The-Criminologist.​pdf [Accessed 2024-09-18] 32]. Building on research conducted shortly after the FAWB ended, our study corroborates the impact that the FAWB had on mitigating the frequency of public mass shootings during its enforcement period. The analysis indicates that a continuation of the FAWB would have reduced the rate of public mass shootings since 2005. Although a federal ban will not eliminate all public mass shootings, the results of this study indicate that a ban can meaningfully alter the trajectory of gun violence over time.

Data Availability

This study relied on publicly available data from three sources. The Violence Project provided data on public mass shootings [Mass shooters. Violence Prevention Project. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-16] 72]. The US Census Bureau provided data on the national population in the United States [Population. US Census Bureau. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-16] 73]. Lastly, the Federal Bureau of Investigation provided data on the national homicide rate [Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data Explorer. URL: [Accessed 2024-09-16] 74].

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1

Counterfactual estimates with 95% CIs for the absence and continuation of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

PNG File, 397 KB

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FAWB: Federal Assault Weapons Ban
LCM: large-capacity magazine
SMA: simple moving average

Edited by Amaryllis Mavragani; submitted 06.06.24; peer-reviewed by Ardavan M Khoshnood, Carl Johan Wingren, Ted Alcorn; final revised version received 19.08.24; accepted 23.08.24; published 20.09.24.


© Alex Lars Lundberg, James Alan Fox, Hassan Mohammad, Maryann Mason, Doreen Salina, David Victorson, Ruben Parra-Cardona, Lori Ann Post. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 20.9.2024.

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