Published on in Vol 3, No 4 (2017): Oct-Dec

- Bil J, Prins M, Fakoya I, Volny-Anne A, Burns F, Zuure F. Usage of purchased self-tests for HIV infections among migrants living in the UK, France and the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2019;95(8):629 View
- Vujcich D, Wangda S, Roberts M, Lobo R, Maycock B, Kulappu Thanthirige C, Reid A, Angkurawaranon C. Modes of administering sexual health and blood-borne virus surveys in migrant populations: A scoping review. PLOS ONE 2020;15(8):e0236821 View
- Moreira C, Boughey A, Ryan K, Higgins N, Rotty J, West M, Hellard M, Stoové M, El‐Hayek C. Two decades of surveillance data show late presentation among a diverse group of women diagnosed with HIV in Victoria, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2019;43(5):413 View
- Navarro M, Navaza B, Guionnet A, López-Vélez R. Overcoming Barriers to HIV Prevention and Healthcare Among Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Spain. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2018;4(2):e10478 View
- Bil J, Zuure F, Alvarez-del Arco D, Prins J, Brinkman K, Leyten E, van Sighem A, Burns F, Prins M. Disparities in access to and use of HIV-related health services in the Netherlands by migrant status and sexual orientation: a cross-sectional study among people recently diagnosed with HIV infection. BMC Infectious Diseases 2019;19(1) View
- Kronfli N, Linthwaite B, Sheehan N, Cox J, Hardy I, Lebouché B, de Pokomandy A, Frenette C, Roger M, Klein M. Delayed linkage to HIV care among asylum seekers in Quebec, Canada. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1) View
- Bedert M, Davidovich U, de Bree G, van Bilsen W, van Sighem A, Zuilhof W, Brinkman K, van der Valk M, de Wit J. Understanding Reasons for HIV Late Diagnosis: A Qualitative Study Among HIV-Positive Individuals in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. AIDS and Behavior 2021;25(9):2898 View
- Miranda M, Pingarilho M, Pimentel V, Martins M, Vandamme A, Bobkova M, Böhm M, Seguin-Devaux C, Paredes R, Rubio R, Zazzi M, Incardona F, Abecasis A. Determinants of HIV-1 Late Presentation in Patients Followed in Europe. Pathogens 2021;10(7):835 View
- Arora A, Ortiz-Paredes D, Engler K, Lessard D, Mate K, Rodriguez-Cruz A, Kronfli N, Vedel I, Cox J, Quesnel-Vallée A, Lebouché B. Barriers and Facilitators Affecting the HIV Care Cascade for Migrant People Living with HIV in Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Countries: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2021;35(8):288 View
- van Bilsen W, Bil J, Prins J, Brinkman K, Leyten E, van Sighem A, Bedert M, Davidovich U, Burns F, Prins M, Jiamsakul A. Testing and healthcare seeking behavior preceding HIV diagnosis among migrant and non-migrant individuals living in the Netherlands: Directions for early-case finding. PLOS ONE 2022;17(3):e0264435 View
- Zhao P, Wang J, Hall B, Sakyi K, Rafiq M, Bodomo A, Wang C. HIV testing uptake, enablers, and barriers among African migrants in China: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Journal of Global Health 2022;12 View
- Borchmann O, Omland L, Gerstoft J, Larsen C, Johansen I, Lunding S, Jensen J, Obel N, Hansen A. Length of stay in Denmark before HIV diagnosis and linkage to care: a population-based study of migrants living with HIV, Denmark, 1995 to 2020. Eurosurveillance 2022;27(30) View
- Gasbarrini N, Dubravić D, Combs L, Dišković A, Ankiersztejn-Bartczak M, Colaiaco F, Wawer I, Wysocki P, Rosińska M, Marzec-Boguslawska A, Collins B, Simões D, Jakobsen M, Raben D. Increasing integrated testing in community settings through interventions for change, including the Spring European Testing Week. BMC Infectious Diseases 2021;21(S2) View
- Nöstlinger C, Cosaert T, Landeghem E, Vanhamel J, Jones G, Zenner D, Jacobi J, Noori T, Pharris A, Smith A, Hayes R, Val E, Waagensen E, Vovc E, Sehgal S, Laga M, Van Renterghem H. HIV among migrants in precarious circumstances in the EU and European Economic Area. The Lancet HIV 2022;9(6):e428 View
- Owusu M, Krankowska D, Lourida P, Weis N. Late HIV diagnosis among migrant women living in Europe — a systematic review of barriers to HIV testing. IJID Regions 2023;7:206 View
- Twisk D, Meima A, Richardus J, van Sighem A, Rokx C, den Hollander J, Götz H. The roles of the general practitioner and sexual health centre in HIV testing: comparative insights and impact on HIV incidence rates in the Rotterdam area, the Netherlands - a cross-sectional population-based study. BMC Public Health 2023;23(1) View
- Palich R, Arias-Rodríguez A, Duracinsky M, Le Talec J, Rousset Torrente O, Lascoux-Combe C, Lacombe K, Ghosn J, Viard J, Pialoux G, Ohayon M, Duvivier C, Velter A, Ben Mechlia M, Beniguel L, Grabar S, Melchior M, Assoumou L, Supervie V. High proportion of post-migration HIV acquisition in migrant men who have sex with men receiving HIV care in the Paris region, and associations with social disadvantage and sexual behaviours: results of the ANRS-MIE GANYMEDE study, France, 2021 to 2022. Eurosurveillance 2024;29(11) View
- Ryan P, Manzano S, Deihim-Rahampour N, Cuevas G, Martin-Gonzalez L, Gonzalez-Baeza A, Torres P, Lazarus J, Torres-Macho J, Valencia J, Sanchez-Conde M. HIV-infected Latin American asylum seekers in Madrid, Spain, 2022: A prospective cohort study from a major gateway in Europe. Eurosurveillance 2024;29(29) View
- Martinez Martinez V, Ormel H, Op de Coul E, Khudyakov Y. Barriers and enablers that influence the uptake of HIV testing among heterosexual migrants in the Netherlands. PLOS ONE 2024;19(10):e0311114 View
- Walters M, Korenromp E, Yakusik A, Wanyeki I, Kaboré A, Poimouribou A, Ki C, Dao C, Bambara P, Derme S, Ouedraogo T, Tang K, Boily M, Mahy M, Imai-Eaton J. Guidance for Triangulating Data and Estimates of HIV Prevalence Among Pregnant Women and Coverage of PMTCT Using the Spectrum AIDS Impact Module. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2024;97(5):439 View