Articles published in 2015 in this theme: 8 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Direct-to-Patient Research: Piloting a New Approach to Understanding Drug Safety During Pregnancy
Nancy A Dreyer, Stella CF Blackburn, Shahrul Mt-Isa, Jonathan L Richardson, Simon Thomas, Maja Laursen, Priscilla Zetstra-van der Woude, Anna Jamry-Dziurla, Valerie Hliva, Alison Bourke, Lolkje de Jong-van den Berg
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2015 (Dec 22); 1(2):e22Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Takeo Katsuki, Tim Ken Mackey, Raphael Cuomo
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Dec 16); 17(12):e280Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Texting-Based Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions to Ensure Patient Safety: A Feasibility Study
Godofreda Vergeire-Dalmacion, Nina T Castillo-Carandang, Noel R Juban, Maria Lourdes Amarillo, Maria Pamela Tagle, Emmanuel S Baja
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2015 (Nov 19); 1(2):e12Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Assessment of Web-Based Consumer Reviews as a Resource for Drug Performance
Swarnaseetha Adusumalli, HueyTyng Lee, Qiangze Hoi, Si-Lin Koo, Iain Beehuat Tan, Pauline Crystal Ng
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Aug 28); 17(8):e211Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Alison Callahan, Igor Pernek, Gregor Stiglic, Jure Leskovec, Howard R Strasberg, Nigam Haresh Shah
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Aug 20); 17(8):e204Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Identifying Adverse Effects of HIV Drug Treatment and Associated Sentiments Using Twitter
Cosme Adrover, Todd Bodnar, Zhuojie Huang, Amalio Telenti, Marcel Salathé
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2015 (Jul 27); 1(2):e7Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Adverse Drug Reaction Identification and Extraction in Social Media: A Scoping Review
Jérémy Lardon, Redhouane Abdellaoui, Florelle Bellet, Hadyl Asfari, Julien Souvignet, Nathalie Texier, Marie-Christine Jaulent, Marie-Noëlle Beyens, Anita Burgun, Cédric Bousquet
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Jul 10); 17(7):e171Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ranking Adverse Drug Reactions With Crowdsourcing
Assaf Gottlieb, Robert Hoehndorf, Michel Dumontier, Russ B Altman
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Mar 23); 17(3):e80Download Citation: END BibTex RIS