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Digital Competencies and Training Approaches to Enhance the Capacity of Practitioners to Support the Digital Transformation of Public Health: Rapid Review of Current Recommendations

Digital Competencies and Training Approaches to Enhance the Capacity of Practitioners to Support the Digital Transformation of Public Health: Rapid Review of Current Recommendations

Digital Competencies and Training Approaches to Enhance the Capacity of Practitioners to Support the Digital Transformation of Public Health: Rapid Review of Current Recommendations

1Clinical Prevention Services, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, , Vancouver, BC, , Canada

2School of Public Health and Social Policy, University of Victoria, , Victoria, BC, , Canada

3School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, , Victoria, BC, , Canada

4Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, , Toronto, ON, , Canada

5School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, , Vancouver, BC, , Canada

6Population and Public Health, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, , Vancouver, BC, , Canada

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

Mark Gilbert, MD

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted gaps in the public health workforce’s capacity to deploy digital technologies while upholding ethical, social justice, and health equity principles. Existing public health competency frameworks have not been updated to reflect the prominent role digital technologies play in contemporary public health, and public health training institutions are seeking to integrate digital technologies in their curricula.

Objective: As a first step in a multiphase study exploring recommendations for updates to public health competency frameworks within the Canadian public health context, we conducted a rapid review of literature aiming to identify recommendations for digital competencies, training approaches, and inter- or transdisciplinary partnerships that can enhance public health practitioners’ capacity to support the digital transformation of public health.

Methods: Following the World Health Organization’s (2017) guidelines for rapid reviews, a systematic search was conducted on Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), and Web of Science for peer-reviewed articles. We also searched Google Scholar and various public health agency and public health association websites for gray literature using search terms related to public health, digital health, practice competencies, and training approaches. We included articles with explicit practice competencies and training recommendations related to digital technologies among public health practitioners published between January 2010 and December 2022. We excluded articles describing these concepts in passing or from a solely clinical perspective.

Results: Our search returned 2023 titles and abstracts, of which only 12 studies met the inclusion criteria. We found recommendations for new competencies to enable public health practitioners to appropriately use digital technologies that cut across all existing categories of the core competencies for public health framework of the Public Health Agency of Canada. We also identified a new competency category related to data, data systems management, and governance. Training approaches identified include adapted degree-awarding programs like combined public health and informatics or data science degree programs and ongoing professional certifications with integration of practice-based learning in multi- and interdisciplinary training. Disciplines suggested as important to facilitate practice competency and training recommendations included public health, public health informatics, data, information and computer sciences, biostatistics, health communication, and business.

Conclusions: Despite the growth of digital technologies in public health, recommendations about practice competencies and training approaches necessary to effectively support the digital transformation of public health remain limited in the literature. Where available, evidence suggests the workforce requires new competencies that cut across and extend existing public health competencies, including new competencies related to the use and protection of new digital data sources, alongside facilitating health communication and promotion functions using digital media. Recommendations also emphasize the need for training approaches that focus on interdisciplinarity through adapted degree-awarding public health training programs and ongoing professional development.

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e52798



The context for public health training, practice, and research is rapidly evolving due to the widespread development and deployment of digital technologies in the field. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of digital technologies in sustaining public health systems, especially in crises, and emphasized gaps in the workforce’s capacity to deploy digital technologies while upholding ethical, social justice, and health equity principles that are fundamental to public health [Wong BLH, Khurana MP, Smith RD, et al. Harnessing the digital potential of the next generation of health professionals. Hum Resour Health. Apr 14, 2021;19(1):50. [CrossRef] [Medline]1-Kickbusch I, Piselli D, Agrawal A, et al. The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030: growing up in a digital world. Lancet. Nov 6, 2021;398(10312):1727-1776. [CrossRef] [Medline]3]. To facilitate essential public health functions, digital technologies are increasingly being used, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and digital dashboards, to enable real-time disease surveillance and predict population and public health outcomes [Whitelaw S, Mamas MA, Topol E, Van Spall HGC. Applications of digital technology in COVID-19 pandemic planning and response. Lancet Digit Health. Aug 2020;2(8):e435-e440. [CrossRef] [Medline]4-Martin-Moreno JM, Harris M, Jakubowski E, Kluge H. Defining and assessing public health functions: a global analysis. Annu Rev Public Health. 2016;37:335-355. [CrossRef] [Medline]7]. Social media and other health apps and websites have enabled people-centered public health promotion and protection [Whitelaw S, Mamas MA, Topol E, Van Spall HGC. Applications of digital technology in COVID-19 pandemic planning and response. Lancet Digit Health. Aug 2020;2(8):e435-e440. [CrossRef] [Medline]4-Martin-Moreno JM, Harris M, Jakubowski E, Kluge H. Defining and assessing public health functions: a global analysis. Annu Rev Public Health. 2016;37:335-355. [CrossRef] [Medline]7]. These use cases demonstrate potential benefits of digital technologies to ensure precise, proactive, and efficient public health services.

The public health workforce continues to encounter human resource capacity challenges regarding competencies to appropriately respond to the need for widespread integration of digital technologies within public health workstreams [Iyamu I, Gómez-Ramírez O, Xu AX, et al. Challenges in the development of digital public health interventions and mapped solutions: findings from a scoping review. Digit Health. 2022;8:20552076221102255. [CrossRef] [Medline]8]. Growing public expectations for responsive and detailed public health information, influenced by experiences of digital transformation in sectors like finance, commerce, education, and health, generally further underscore the need for commensurate digital transformations of public health [Kickbusch I, Piselli D, Agrawal A, et al. The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030: growing up in a digital world. Lancet. Nov 6, 2021;398(10312):1727-1776. [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Iyamu I, Xu AXT, Gómez-Ramírez O, et al. Defining digital public health and the role of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation: scoping review. JMIR Public Health Surveill. Nov 26, 2021;7(11):e30399. [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. Digital transformation has been defined as a cultural shift involving the pervasive integration of digital technologies across organizational processes based on user needs [Iyamu I, Xu AXT, Gómez-Ramírez O, et al. Defining digital public health and the role of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation: scoping review. JMIR Public Health Surveill. Nov 26, 2021;7(11):e30399. [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. The acceleration of digital transformation in society during the COVID-19 pandemic further accentuated the role of digital technologies as a “superdeterminant” of health and health disparities [Digital technologies: a new determinant of health. Lancet Digit Health. Nov 2021;3(11):e684. [CrossRef] [Medline]10-The “super social determinant of health". GEO Nova Scotia. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 13]. The public health workforce must develop new competencies to appropriately leverage digital technologies for public health functions, including monitoring and addressing the health implications arising from digital transformation in society [Iyamu I, McKee G, Haag D, Gilbert M. Defining the role of digital public health in the evolving digital health landscape: policy and practice implications in Canada. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. Feb 2024;44(2):66-69. [CrossRef] [Medline]14]. While this transformation affects both public health and clinical medicine, the discourse around digital health is largely focused on clinical uses of digital technologies or virtual care (eg, telemedicine or remote patient monitoring), often leaving public health perspectives unattended. Despite an overlap between clinical medicine and public health, we need a distinct understanding of how public health—the organized effort of society to keep people healthy and prevent injury, illness, and premature death—might be impacted through digital technologies and what digital competencies are required to optimize public health outcomes [Iyamu I, Xu AXT, Gómez-Ramírez O, et al. Defining digital public health and the role of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation: scoping review. JMIR Public Health Surveill. Nov 26, 2021;7(11):e30399. [CrossRef] [Medline]9,Public health: a conceptual framework. Canadian Public Health Association. 2017. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-29] 15].

In Canada, the public health core competency framework was last published in 2007 by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and does not reflect current digital contexts [Kickbusch I, Piselli D, Agrawal A, et al. The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030: growing up in a digital world. Lancet. Nov 6, 2021;398(10312):1727-1776. [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Iyamu I, Gómez-Ramírez O, Xu AX, et al. Challenges in the development of digital public health interventions and mapped solutions: findings from a scoping review. Digit Health. 2022;8:20552076221102255. [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Core competencies for public health in Canada: release 1.0. Library and Archives Canada. 2008. URL: [Accessed 2022-04-29] 16]. It also does not adequately consider the prominent role digital technologies play in contemporary public health. In other jurisdictions, public health training institutions have considered integrating more advanced training on digital technologies within their public health curricula. In 2020, the World Health Organization and Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Regions updated their competency framework, emphasizing competencies for applying digital technologies for managing, analyzing, and storing health information and communicating health messages through modern (digital) media [WHO-ASPHER competency framework for the public health workforce in the European region. World Health Organization. 2020. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-29] 17]. In the United States, the Council on Linkages between Academia and Public Health Practice updated its core competencies in 2021, maintaining competency statements like “applies public health informatics in using data, information and knowledge” in its data analytics and assessment domain, while adding similar statements related to social media use [Core competencies for public health professionals. Public Health Foundation. 2021. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 18]. The existing frameworks do not describe disciplinary perspectives that can facilitate these competencies. Our previous work suggests interdisciplinary perspectives (including engineering, computer science, health information, and behavioral sciences) are crucial for these competencies [Wong BLH, Khurana MP, Smith RD, et al. Harnessing the digital potential of the next generation of health professionals. Hum Resour Health. Apr 14, 2021;19(1):50. [CrossRef] [Medline]1,Iyamu I, Gómez-Ramírez O, Xu AX, et al. Challenges in the development of digital public health interventions and mapped solutions: findings from a scoping review. Digit Health. 2022;8:20552076221102255. [CrossRef] [Medline]8], but the scope and characteristics of these interdisciplinary collaborations remain unclear.

This review aimed to contribute to the advancement of public health curricula, especially in Canada, by identifying practice competency and training recommendations to enhance public health practitioners’ capacity to support the digital transformation of public health. Here, we refer to practice competencies as the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the practice of public health that transcend disciplines and specific programs and form the baseline requirements to fulfill public health functions [Core competencies for public health in Canada: release 1.0. Library and Archives Canada. 2008. URL: [Accessed 2022-04-29] 16]. We use the term “public health practitioners” to refer to a broad range of professionals who work in various areas of public health and serve to improve health outcomes at a population level, as compared to the individual level (these professionals comprise the public health workforce). They include, but are not limited to, public health nurses and physicians, epidemiologists, health promotion specialists, and public health managers [Public health practitioners. Faculty of Public Health. 2020. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 19]. We also aimed to identify disciplinary perspectives relevant to implementing practice competency and training recommendations and the scope of interdisciplinary partnerships that may be required.


We conducted our rapid review following the Cochrane rapid review recommendations [Garritty C, Gartlehner G, Nussbaumer-Streit B, et al. Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group offers evidence-informed guidance to conduct rapid reviews. J Clin Epidemiol. Feb 2021;130:13-22. [CrossRef] [Medline]20] and World Health Organization guidelines [Tricco AC, Langlois EV, Straus SE, Health P, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, World Health Organization. Rapid Reviews to Strengthen Health Policy and Systems: A Practical Guide. World Health Organization; 2017. 21]. Our rapid review protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022384474) and published on the Open Science Framework [Ramachandran S, Iyamu I, Chang HJ, et al. Recommendations for public health workforce training and practice competencies for digital technologies in public health: a rapid review and synthesis. OSF Home. 2022. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 22]. This review is the first phase of a multiphase study aiming to contribute recommendations for digital public health workforce competencies in Canada [Gilbert MPB, Adalsteinn D, Davies HW, et al. Fostering workforce capacity to maximize opportunities for the digital transformation of public health in Canada. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 2022. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-26] 23]. Given the exploratory nature of our research, our reporting aligned best with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) (

Multimedia Appendix 1

PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist.

DOCX File, 26 KBMultimedia Appendix 1 [Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-SCR): checklist and explanation. Ann Intern Med. Oct 2, 2018;169(7):467-473. [CrossRef] [Medline]24]). Our focused research questions were as follows: (1) What public health practice competencies are recommended to facilitate the integration of digital technologies in public health functions? (2) What training approaches may best facilitate the learning and teaching of identified practice competency recommendations? and (3) What disciplines/disciplinary perspectives should be considered to facilitate identified practice competencies and training recommendations?

Data Sources

We searched Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, Web of Science, and ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) for peer-reviewed articles exploring recommendations for practice competencies and training related to digital technologies for public health. In consultation with a University of British Columbia librarian, we created a search strategy (Table 1) with terms related to public health (defined as the organized effort of society to keep people healthy and prevent injury, illness, and premature death through a combination of programs, services and policies that protect and promote the health of all) [Public health: a conceptual framework. Canadian Public Health Association. 2017. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-29] 15]; digital health (the field of knowledge and practice associated with the use of digital technologies to improve health) [Global strategy on digital health 2020–2025. World Health Organization. 2021. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 25]; and practice competencies and training (essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the practice of public health that transcend disciplines and specific programs and form the baseline requirements to fulfill public health functions) [Core competencies for public health in Canada: release 1.0. Library and Archives Canada. 2008. URL: [Accessed 2022-04-29] 16]. We also searched various public health agency websites (

Multimedia Appendix 2

Detailed search strategy for the rapid review.

DOCX File, 32 KBMultimedia Appendix 2) and preprint servers such as Europe PubMed Central (PMC), which indexes preprints, including those from, for gray literature. We conducted a supplementary search on Google Scholar and Google using a simplified version of our original search and explored the first 10 pages of returned results, as is commonly done in similar reviews [Iyamu I, Gómez-Ramírez O, Xu AXT, et al. Defining the scope of digital public health and its implications for policy, practice, and research: protocol for a scoping review. JMIR Res Protoc. Jun 30, 2021;10(6):e27686. [CrossRef] [Medline]26,Godin K, Stapleton J, Kirkpatrick SI, Hanning RM, Leatherdale ST. Applying systematic review search methods to the grey literature: a case study examining guidelines for school-based breakfast programs in Canada. Syst Rev. Oct 22, 2015;4:138. [CrossRef] [Medline]27]. Finally, we used CitationChaser to perform automated forward and backward citation searches for articles included in our study [Haddaway NR, Grainger MJ, Gray CT. Citationchaser: a tool for transparent and efficient forward and backward citation chasing in systematic searching. Res Synth Methods. Jul 2022;13(4):533-545. [CrossRef] [Medline]28]. Our search was limited to articles published in English between January 2010 and December 13, 2022 (the date of our search). All relevant search returns were exported to Covidence (Veritas Health Innovation) for citation management and review.

Table 1. Search terms for rapid review.
Public healthaPublic health, epidemiolog*, surveillance, “health promotion,” “health protection,” “health prevention,” “health policy,” “community health,” “health evaluation,” “emergency preparedness,” “health equity”
Digital healthb“Digital health,” “digital public health,” “digital tech,*” “health informatics,” “biomedical informatics,” “medical informatics,” mhealth, ehealth, e-health, “artificial intelligence,” “machine learning,” “big data,” “social media,” digitalization, “digital transformation”
Training and practice competenciesLearn*, train*, educat*, competenc*, skill, course, qualification, faculty, aptitude, capacity, curricul*

aTerms related to public health were derived from the domains of public health described by the Canadian Public Health Association. A limited number of terms were used to ensure a manageable number of search returns.

bTerms related to digital health were selected based on the European Public Health Association’s conceptual framework for digital public health, which informed our digital public health framework. The technologies most applied in public health domains were selected alongside terms describing digital technologies more generally.

Screening and Selection Procedure

Our inclusion and exclusion criteria were informed by our adaptation of the Joanna Briggs Institute PCC (population, concept, and context) research question framework (Textbox 1) [Aromataris E, Munn Z, editors. JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. JBI. 2020. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 29]. We included publications describing practice competencies and training recommendations related to the use of digital technologies for population and public health among public health students, public health informaticians and analysts, public health physicians, practitioners, researchers, and decision-makers [Mapping the core public health workforce. Centre for Workforce Intelligence. 2014. URL: https:/​/assets.​​government/​uploads/​system/​uploads/​attachment_data/​file/​507518/​CfWI_Mapping_the_core_public_health_workforce.​pdf [Accessed 2024-07-18] 30]. We included reviews, commentaries, position statements, policy guidelines, and primary research studies exploring our concept of interest. We excluded publications with a solely clinical perspective.

Textbox 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for selected papers exploring digital competencies for public health, including population, concept, context, time frame, study design, and language. These domains were based on the adapted Joanna Briggs Institute PCC (population, concept, and context) research question framework. Additions include time frame, study design, and language. The public health workforce was defined as all workers engaged in public health activities who identify public health as being their primary role. This includes public health consultants and specialists, directors of public health, public health nurses, health visitors, school nurses, public health practitioners, environmental health professionals, public health academics, scientists, and intelligence and knowledge professionals.

Inclusion criteria

  • Population: public health students, public health informaticians and analysts, practitioners (including public health physicians), public health researchers, decision- and policy makers
  • Concept: articles describing training and practice competencies related to digital technologies; articles describing disciplines relevant in facilitating training and practice competencies related to digital technologies; articles describing approaches and outcomes of training related to digital technologies
  • Context (public health defined by the domains proposed by the Canadian Public Health Association): population and public health
  • Time frame: January 2010 December 13, 2022
  • Study design: reviews, perspectives, or commentaries; primary research studies, including quantitative (eg, cross-sectional studies) and qualitative studies; position statements by relevant stakeholders; public health agency policy and guideline documents and reports
  • Language: published in English

Exclusion criteria

  • Population: exclusive focus on clinicians, programmers, informaticians, or other allied health system practitioners
  • Concept: articles describing training in passing or as part of a broader discussion of other health issues
  • Context: clinical or solely clinical contexts
  • Time frame: published before 2010
  • Study design: articles without full texts (>500 words) available
  • Language: published in any language other than English

We conducted our screening and selection in 2 phases after automatic deduplication on Covidence. For feasibility and in line with Cochrane rapid review recommendations, 2 reviewers (SR and II) independently screened 25% of the titles and abstracts using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, regularly meeting to discuss discrepancies and achieve consensus. The remaining titles and abstracts were screened by 1 reviewer (SR). In the second phase, both reviewers (SR and II) assessed the eligibility of all included full texts, meeting to discuss discrepancies where appropriate. A summary of the selection process is described in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Flow diagram of the search and study selection process following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines for scoping reviews. ERIC: Education Resources Information Center; PMC: PubMed Central.

Empirical Critical Appraisal of Included Studies

Considering the mixed nature of the included publications, we only conducted a risk of bias assessment of the primary research studies included in this study, using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (version 2018) (

Multimedia Appendix 3

Critical appraisal of included studies.

DOCX File, 17 KBMultimedia Appendix 3 [Hong QN, Fàbregues S, Bartlett G, et al. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) version 2018 for information professionals and researchers. EFI. 2018;34(4):285-291. [CrossRef]31-Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43]).

Data Extraction and Analyses

We extracted data from the included publications using pretested data extraction forms in Covidence (

Multimedia Appendix 4

Data extraction form.

DOCX File, 15 KBMultimedia Appendix 4) [Public health: a conceptual framework. Canadian Public Health Association. 2017. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-29] 15]. These forms were tested using the first 2 included publications, with discussions between reviewers to clarify discrepancies in interpretation. We extracted bibliographic information including authors’ names, year of publication, title, journal, country and continent of first author, publication type, and study aims or objectives (where applicable). We also extracted competency recommendations and mapped them onto the existing competency categories of the 2007 PHAC framework [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43] for core competencies for public health and created new categories for recommendations not fitting into existing categories [Core competencies for public health in Canada: release 1.0. Library and Archives Canada. 2008. URL: [Accessed 2022-04-29] 16]. For competency recommendations applicable to more than 1 category, we mapped the recommendations into multiple categories. We further categorized the competencies as those specific to digital technologies, those not specific but relevant to digital technologies, and basic literacy competencies specific to digital technologies. Finally, we extracted descriptions and recommendations about training approaches, disciplines involved in facilitating training, and public health domains where competency recommendations were most applicable [Public health: a conceptual framework. Canadian Public Health Association. 2017. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-29] 15]. All these were summarized using a narrative synthesis.

Characteristics of Included Publications

Table 2 describes the 12 publications included in this review, all by authors in North America [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43]; 11 of 12 were written by first authors in the United States [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34-Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], 5 of 12 were published between 2010 and 2015 [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43] and 6 of 12 were commentaries or perspectives [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40-Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42]. Of these, the 4 studies included in the quality appraisal showed variable quality, with 3 being observational studies (

Multimedia Appendix 3

Critical appraisal of included studies.

DOCX File, 17 KBMultimedia Appendix 3).

Table 2. Characteristics of publications exploring digital competencies for public health as included in the rapid review.
CharacteristicsPublications (n=12), n (%)
Country of first author
Canada1 (8)
United States11 (92)
Year of publication
2010‐20155 (42)
2016‐20204 (33)
2021‐20223 (25)
Publication type
Commentaries/perspectives6 (50)
Cross-sectional studies3 (25)
Environmental scans2 (17)
Literature review and key informant interviews1 (8)
Public health domains referenceda
Research10 (83)
Epidemiology and surveillance9 (75)
Risk assessment3 (25)
Health promotion3 (25)
Evaluation2 (17)
Community consultation2 (17)
Health policy1 (8)

aTerms derived from the domains of public health described by the Canadian Public Health Association.

Domains of Public Health Relevant to Digital Technologies

Practice competencies were most described in relation to public health research (n=10 articles) [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], epidemiology and surveillance (n=9 articles) [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], risk assessment (n=3 articles) [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38], and health promotion (n=3 articles) [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43].

Practice Competency Recommendations Related to Digital Technologies

We identified competency recommendations regarding the implementation of digital technologies across all 7 competency categories in the PHAC framework (Table 3). We also identified an additional category of competencies for managing digital data, data systems management, and governance. Here, we highlight competency statements that are not specific to, but relevant to, digital technologies in public health, including using multiple data sources (including digital data) to answer public health questions (public health sciences), understanding methods for data linkage (assessment and analyses), ensuring inter- and transdisciplinary methods for designing and implementing studies and research (partnerships, collaboration, and advocacy), and developing an entrepreneurial orientation to innovation and risk-taking to address public health concerns (leadership) [Core competencies for public health in Canada: release 1.0. Library and Archives Canada. 2008. URL: [Accessed 2022-04-29] 16]. Others include defining audiences for developing and disseminating tailored public health information based on trusted formats and information sources (communication) and developing tools to protect the privacy of individuals and communities involved in public health programs (data and data systems management and governance). These competency statements serve as an overview of what was identified from the literature and can serve as a guide in determining important considerations in updating public health curricula.

Table 3. Competency recommendations identified in included publications in relation to digital technologies, mapped to the core competencies for public health in Canada.
Competency categoryCompetency statementsA public health practitioner can...
Public health sciences: this includes key knowledge and critical thinking skills related to the public health sciencesCompetencies specific to digital technologies
  • Develop and ethically apply research methods using data science, statistical genetics, and “omics” technologies (eg, exposomes); computational biology; and epidemic and infectious disease modeling to address public health problems [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40].
  • Conduct education and training in public health informatics [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38].
  • Identify opportunities to incorporate emerging omics technologies into epidemiological research [Godin K, Stapleton J, Kirkpatrick SI, Hanning RM, Leatherdale ST. Applying systematic review search methods to the grey literature: a case study examining guidelines for school-based breakfast programs in Canada. Syst Rev. Oct 22, 2015;4:138. [CrossRef] [Medline]27,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34].a
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Use different types of data (including digital data sources) to answer public health questions [Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Aid public health organizations to design and test new data systems [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
Assessment and analysis: this category relates to the core competencies needed to collect, assess, analyze, and apply informationCompetencies specific to digital technologies
  • Use, protect, and interpret complex, linked large data sets at various levels of data organization, including administrative, clinical, biological, environmental, population, and social or societal levels from multiple sources within and outside the health system [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43].
  • Design, analyze, and report health science data by blending traditional and modern analytic and computational techniques (eg, biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming, and software, as appropriate [Tableau, python, MS-SQL, R]) [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Identify needs, challenges, principles, and key details for data sharing and large-scale data management [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Use and interpret findings from data exploration tools and analytic approaches used in computer sciences, such as natural language processing [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38].
  • Use information technologies and communication tools necessary to support epidemiologic investigations and surveillance (eg, smartphone surveys, GPS tracking) [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35].
  • Understand how omics tools can be integrated into an ecological model of health including social and environmental determinants [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43].a
  • Identify the role of emerging omics technologies applicable to epidemiologic research and incorporate them into epidemiologic research [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43].
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Know and understand methodological and statistical problems inherent in secondary and big data analyses [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34].
  • Understand methods for linking data sources to create information [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37].
Policy and program planning, implementation, and evaluation: competencies essential in effectively choosing options and planning, implementing, and evaluating policies and programs in public healthCompetencies specific to digital technologies
  • Design, implement, and evaluate population-based projects, programs, or interventions that use social media for communication, public health education, and promotion [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36].
  • Support use of informatics to promote disease prevention at the clinical health, environmental, and personal health interface [Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37].
  • Design, develop, and implement user-centered population health information systems [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39].
  • Support information system development, procurement, and implementation that meets public health program needs [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Establish frameworks for evaluating information systems and application implementations and make recommendations to improve user satisfaction and outcomes [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Evaluate communication, that is, assess the reach and dose of communication to various public health audiences using tools including website and social media analytics, data mining software, focus groups, and in-depth interviews [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Develop tools that protect the privacy of individuals and communities involved in health programs, policies, and research [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35].
Partnerships, collaboration, and advocacy: this category captures the competencies required to influence and work with others pursuing the common goal to improve the health and well-being of the publicCompetencies specific to digital technologies
  • Use new media, such as social media, to conduct advocacy [Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
  • Manage IT operations related to projects or programs and those managed by external organizations [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38].
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Assess stakeholder data, information, and knowledge needs [Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Develop team approaches bringing together diverse disciplines and organizations to develop new and creative ways of designing and implementing studies and addressing public health concerns [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
Diversity and inclusion: sociocultural competencies required to interact effectively with diverse individuals, groups, and communitiesCompetencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Develop team approaches that bring together diverse disciplines and organizations to develop new and creative ways of designing and implementing studies and addressing public health concerns [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
Communication: addresses dimensions of communication including internal and external exchanges; written, verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills; computer literacy; providing appropriate information to different audiences; working with the media; and social marketing techniques.Basic literacy competencies specific to digital technologies
  • Effectively communicate with teams through email, word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37].
Competencies specific to digital technologies
  • Use mass media, electronic technology, and communication methods (eg, social media) for public health communication, health education, and promotion [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
  • Evaluate communication, that is, assess the reach and dose of communication to various public health audiences using tools including website and social media analytics, data mining software, focus groups, and in-depth interviews [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].a
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Use evidence-based communication program models to disseminate research and evaluation outcomes [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35].
  • Define target audiences and develop appropriate messaging to reach people where they are, considering the people, places, and media they interact with and their trusted information sources and formats [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34-Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
  • Tailor surveillance information content and periodicity of dissemination for specific audiences and their uses [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35].
Leadership: focuses on leadership competencies that build capacity, improve performance, and enhance the quality of the working environmentCompetencies specific to digital technologies
  • Support development of strategic directions for public health informatics within the enterprise [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38].
  • Address IT development using principles of systems thinking and engineering [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36-Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39].
  • Communicate public health informatics needs and proposed solutions to leaders in public health and elected officials effectively [Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Contribute to considerations on the best IT systems for the public health enterprise to use [Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37].
  • Manage and direct health informatics planning for projects related to public health and information technology [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Show entrepreneurial orientation through proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking to advance public health, address newly emerging public health issues, and better understand risks when aligning community health partners to address health inequities [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36].
Data and data systems management and governance: competencies relevant in the design and management of new digital data streams and ensuring appropriate, ethical use of the data for public health goals while protecting health users’ privacy and confidentialityCompetencies specific to digital technologies
  • Apply procedures (policies) and technical means (security) to ensure the integrity and protection of confidential information in electronic files and computer systems while maximizing the benefits to public health [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Contribute to developing public health information systems that are interoperable with other relevant information systems [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Manage data and information in compliance with policies, protocols, and informatics standards [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Aid public health organizations in thinking through and designing testing strategies for new data systems [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Describe systems analysis methods, requirements, use cases, data flow diagrams, business process modeling, data modeling, relational data theory, normalization, entity relationship diagrams, SQL, and data warehouses [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Describe conceptualizations of data, medical vocabulary nomenclature, terminologies, coding and classification, standards, ethics, privacy, security, health systems, computer technologies, health information exchange, data quality, and information architectures [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Create systems for health information exchange between health organizations and databases [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
Competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies
  • Develop tools that protect the privacy of individuals and communities involved in health programs, policies, and research [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39].
  • Document business rules using algorithms and pseudocode [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].
  • Assess and manage risks associated with using and sharing data and information, data security, and intellectual property [Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42].

aDuplicated across various applicable competency categories.

Regarding competencies specific to digital technologies in public health, the most cited competency statements related to developing and ethically applying modern research methods requiring big data (eg, omics and computational biology in public health sciences) [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35] and tools (eg, computer programming and geographic information systems) [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32]; using, protecting, and interpreting large linked data sets from multiple sources using a blend of traditional and modern analytic techniques (assessment and analyses) [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37]; communicating with the public using tools like social media for public health (communications) [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]; and establishing frameworks for evaluating health information systems and communication efforts using tools like social media and web analytics (communication, policy and program planning, implementation, and evaluation) [Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41]. Additional competencies in this category include supporting the development of IT systems using systems thinking (leadership) [Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39], applying procedures and technical means to ensure the integrity and protection of confidential information in electronic files and computer systems, and developing interoperable data systems (data and data systems management and governance) [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38].

One recommendation was identified for basic literacy competencies specific to digital technologies regarding effectively communicating with teams through email, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software (communication) [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32].

Training Approaches

The 2 main categories of training approaches identified included recommendations for adapted degree-awarding programs and ongoing training or professional development. Most of the recommendations concerned adapting degree-awarding public health programs. These included expanded public health core training on digital technologies as introductory training with elective specialization [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33-Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], practice-informed training embedded in real-world contexts and organizations [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42], specialized master’s- and doctoral-level training in specific digital technology–related fields like data science and population and public health informatics [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39], integrated master’s in public health and public health informatics training programs, one-on-one mentorship programs in practice and research settings [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34], and engaging interdisciplinary teams to design public health training for digital technologies [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. The second category of training recommendations related to ongoing training and professional development in the context of continuing education [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39]. These recommendations mainly included competency-based learning on digital technologies through short courses, workshops, and certification programs in partnerships with academic institutions [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35] and online training targeting specific global workforce deficiencies [Joshi A, Perin DMP. Gaps in the existing public health informatics training programs: a challenge to the development of a skilled global workforce. Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2012;9(Fall):1-13. [Medline]38,Joshi A, Bruce I, Amadi C, Amatya J. Developing evidence-based population health informatics curriculum: integrating competency based model and job analysis. Online J Public Health Inform. 2021;13(1):e10. [CrossRef] [Medline]39].

Disciplines Relevant in Implementing Digital Competencies and Training Programs for the Digital Transformation of Public Health

Disciplines identified as relevant to digital public health training include public health [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32-Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Stellefson M, Paige SR, Chaney BH, Chaney JD. Evolving role of social media in health promotion: updated responsibilities for health education specialists. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Feb 12, 2020;17(4):1153. [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], public health informatics [Adewale O, Apenteng BA, Shah GH, Mase WA. Assessing public health workforce informatics competencies: a study of 3 district health departments in Georgia. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2022;28(2):E533-E541. [CrossRef] [Medline]32,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Hsu CE, Dunn K, Juo HH, et al. Understanding public health informatics competencies for mid-tier public health practitioners: a web-based survey. Health Informatics J. Mar 2012;18(1):66-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]37-Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42], computer science [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33-Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42], data science [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33-Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35], mathematics [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40], statistics/biostatistics [Beyene J, Harrar SW, Altaye M, et al. A roadmap for building data science capacity for health discovery and innovation in Africa. Front Public Health. 2021;9:710961. [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], health communication [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34-Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43], sociology/social sciences [Brownson RC, Samet JM, Chavez GF, et al. Charting a future for epidemiologic training. Ann Epidemiol. Jun 2015;25(6):458-465. [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Brownson RC, Samet JM, Bensyl DM. Applied epidemiology and public health: are we training the future generations appropriately? Ann Epidemiol. Feb 2017;27(2):77-82. [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40], business [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36], economics [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36], management sciences [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Kampov-Polevoi J, Hemminger BM. A curricula-based comparison of biomedical and health informatics programs in the USA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011;18(2):195-202. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42], and information sciences [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Wholey DR, LaVenture M, Rajamani S, Kreiger R, Hedberg C, Kenyon C. Developing workforce capacity in public health informatics: core competencies and curriculum design. Front Public Health. 2018;6:124. [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Yu X, Xie Y, Pan X, Mayfield-Johnson S, Whipple J, Azadbakht E. Developing an evidence-based public health informatics course. J Med Libr Assoc. Oct 2015;103(4):194-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]43].

Principal Findings

In this rapid review, we identified 12 publications describing 45 unique recommendations for digital practice competencies across 8 competency categories described as essential to support the public health workforce in the digital transformation of public health, especially from a Canadian perspective. Recommendations cut across all competency categories of the 2007 public health core competency framework in Canada. These recommendations included basic digital literacy competencies (general digital skills required for carrying out public health operations), competencies specific to digital technologies (ie, competencies relevant to specific public health functions that leverage digital technologies), and competencies not specific to, but relevant to digital technologies (ie, broad competencies not specific to, but accentuated by using digital technologies in public health). We also identified recommendations related to a new competency category that we called “data and data systems management and governance” related to the management and use of new digital data relevant for public health functions.

Interestingly, our study identified gaps in the current literature. Despite demonstrable awareness of digital competency gaps for public health, substantive competency recommendations were generally lacking, as evident with only 12 articles included in this study. The digital competency discourse was also dominated by “public health informatics” and “data science,” as 8 of the 12 articles were focused on “public health informatics.” While partly attributable to the subsuming of digital public health into the broader discourse on digital health, it demonstrates the need for research in this space. Recent “digital health” reviews have identified diverse competencies like understanding concepts for AI and ML more specifically in health, modern data infrastructure, pros and cons of telehealth, applications of wearable sensors, and skills for managing health services in the context of digital transformation [Khurana MP, Raaschou-Pedersen DE, Kurtzhals J, Bardram JE, Ostrowski SR, Bundgaard JS. Digital health competencies in medical school education: a scoping review and Delphi method study. BMC Med Educ. Feb 26, 2022;22(1):129. [CrossRef] [Medline]44,Brommeyer M, Liang Z, Whittaker M, Mackay M. Developing health management competency for digital health transformation: protocol for a qualitative study. JMIR Res Protoc. Nov 3, 2023;12:e51884. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]. Researchers suggest that similar competencies focused on “digital public health” are necessary to ensure that the digital transformation of public health is not overlooked, as it is a distinct but related field to digital health [Iyamu I, McKee G, Haag D, Gilbert M. Defining the role of digital public health in the evolving digital health landscape: policy and practice implications in Canada. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. Feb 2024;44(2):66-69. [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Wong BLH, Maaß L, Vodden A, et al. The dawn of digital public health in Europe: implications for public health policy and practice. Lancet Reg Health Eur. Mar 2022;14:100316. [CrossRef] [Medline]46].

This study also identified training recommendations, including adapting degree-awarding programs and ongoing professional development to integrate interdisciplinary approaches to ensure broad competencies for digital technologies with options for specialized competency-based training where necessary. These findings parallel those of a scoping review of digital health competencies for medical school education that suggested recognition of interdisciplinary collaboration in digital health is an important attitude to be considered in contemporary training [Erwin PC, Brownson RC. The public health practitioner of the future. Am J Public Health. Aug 2017;107(8):1227-1232. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Khurana MP, Raaschou-Pedersen DE, Kurtzhals J, Bardram JE, Ostrowski SR, Bundgaard JS. Digital health competencies in medical school education: a scoping review and Delphi method study. BMC Med Educ. Feb 26, 2022;22(1):129. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]. As identified in our study, such disciplines could include public health (including epidemiology and health promotion), health informatics (public health informatics), information sciences, computer science, biostatistics, mathematics, management sciences, health communication, sociology, and other similar disciplines. Few jurisdictions have invested in exploring these interdisciplinary perspectives. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service initiated the Graduate Management Training Scheme for health systems leaders with a health informatics specialization [Brommeyer M, Liang Z, Whittaker M, Mackay M. Developing health management competency for digital health transformation: protocol for a qualitative study. JMIR Res Protoc. Nov 3, 2023;12:e51884. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]. The Australasian Institute of Digital Health notes similar interdisciplinary capacity-building efforts are needed to prepare the health workforce to address the impacts of digital technologies [Brommeyer M, Liang Z, Whittaker M, Mackay M. Developing health management competency for digital health transformation: protocol for a qualitative study. JMIR Res Protoc. Nov 3, 2023;12:e51884. [CrossRef] [Medline]45,National digital health workforce and education roadmap. Australian Digital Health Agency. 2020. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 47]. While these efforts have been within the broader field of digital health, similar interdisciplinary training efforts are required to translate the leadership competency recommendations identified in this study.

To the best of our knowledge, this rapid review represents the first review of evidence on digital competency and training recommendations specifically for public health. While we have used the framework of the core competencies as developed in Canada by the PHAC to situate the training recommendations, these competencies and training recommendations have implications not just in Canada, but across other jurisdictions. First, there is a critical evidence gap that must be filled concerning digital competencies for public health even within the broader digital health discourse [Nazeha N, Pavagadhi D, Kyaw BM, Car J, Jimenez G, Tudor Car L. A digitally competent health workforce: scoping review of educational frameworks. J Med Internet Res. Nov 5, 2020;22(11):e22706. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Longhini J, Rossettini G, Palese A. Digital health competencies among health care professionals: systematic review. J Med Internet Res. Aug 18, 2022;24(8):e36414. [CrossRef] [Medline]49]. Our findings highlight current recommendations while demonstrating the relative inattention to the unique competencies required for the digital transformation of public health practice. Second, this review highlights the need for generalized orientation of public health practitioners to digital technologies, while creating opportunities for specialized digital competencies, especially through practice-based learning. Such approaches will enhance deeper understanding of the challenges these technologies pose, while contextualizing jurisdictional policies relevant to the ethical and just use of these technologies, especially the use of large digital data sets pulling health information from various sources; designing, implementing, and evaluating people-centered digital innovations in public health; using social media for targeted communication; providing leadership in managing digital technologies for public health; and communicating the need for these tools with the public and relevant partners [Gunasekeran DV, Tseng R, Tham YC, Wong TY. Applications of digital health for public health responses to COVID-19: a systematic scoping review of artificial intelligence, telehealth and related technologies. NPJ Digit Med. Feb 26, 2021;4(1):40. [CrossRef] [Medline]6]. Third, this review highlights the need to deeply integrate interdisciplinarity in the public health curriculum. This imperative will not only allow public health practitioners to adequately use digital technologies for their functions but prepare them to respond to digital technologies as a superdeterminant of health [Iyamu I, Xu AXT, Gómez-Ramírez O, et al. Defining digital public health and the role of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation: scoping review. JMIR Public Health Surveill. Nov 26, 2021;7(11):e30399. [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. For example, the World Health Organization has suggested competency frameworks for managing infodemics—the spread of misinformation and disinformation, which is amplified by widespread access to unverified information online [Rubinelli S, Purnat TD, Wilhelm E, et al. WHO competency framework for health authorities and institutions to manage infodemics: its development and features. Hum Resour Health. May 7, 2022;20(1):35. [CrossRef] [Medline]50]. There are also advantages of strengthening interdisciplinary digital public health curricula, as these could have multiplier effects in building public capacity given the role public health practitioners play in educating the public on health threats—including mis- and disinformation.

Fourth, this review also identified digital competencies and gaps requiring additional research and training approaches that leverage interdisciplinarity. We described competencies not specific to, but related to, digital technologies in public health that mostly reflect attitudinal changes required of the workforce to effectively leverage digital technologies and respond to future technological changes. For example, there are recommendations for additional social, emotional, and cognitive competencies, including curiosity, innovation, willingness to make mistakes but learn from them, and interdisciplinarity—a paradigm well aligned with human-centered approaches to developing digital technologies more broadly but currently at odds with public health’s risk-averse stance [McKee M. Seven goals for public health training in the 21st century. Eur J Public Health. Apr 2013;23(2):186-187. [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Designing digital interventions for lasting impact: a human-centred guide to digital health deployment. UNICEF. 2018. URL: https:/​/www.​​innovation/​media/​511/​file/​Designing%20Digital%20Interventions%20for%20Lasting%20Impact.​pdf [Accessed 2024-07-18] 52]. Finally, beyond research on new digital competencies from a public health perspective, additional research is needed to effectively integrate identified recommendations into current competency frameworks. Such research must consider components of generalized curricular updates to help practitioners understand the digital landscape while creating space for specialized training programs for specific public health roles [Khurana MP, Raaschou-Pedersen DE, Kurtzhals J, Bardram JE, Ostrowski SR, Bundgaard JS. Digital health competencies in medical school education: a scoping review and Delphi method study. BMC Med Educ. Feb 26, 2022;22(1):129. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]. Most existing competency frameworks promote a tiered approach, where frontline workers with digital technologies have more specific training compared with those in management positions, who require a basic understanding of how the digital technologies work [Core competencies for public health professionals. Public Health Foundation. 2021. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-18] 18]. Given escalating demands for new competencies across various domains of public health, the challenge will be to holistically integrate these digital practices in existing curricula as opposed to simply attaching new courses. Specific attention will be required to address the newly identified competency category to ensure that principles of health equity and ethical propriety are upheld throughout the competencies. While our research aims to contribute to closing this knowledge gap, other similar research is ongoing (at the time of writing) in other jurisdictions, including updates to health management competencies for digital transformation in Australasia. However, a perspective lacking in these efforts involves mechanisms for ongoing and nimbler competency and curricular evaluations and updates, given the speed of evolution of digital technologies and the scope of their impacts on public health. Such mechanisms could involve a standing competency development committee with mandates for regular (perhaps yearly) minor updates, with larger updates requiring broad consultations considered on a longer timeframe. As a next step in our multiphase research, we are validating identified competency recommendations with public health practitioners through focus groups to ensure they are well adapted to the Canadian context while understanding the implications of such nimble update systems for their practices [Iyamu I, McKee G, Haag D, Gilbert M. Defining the role of digital public health in the evolving digital health landscape: policy and practice implications in Canada. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. Feb 2024;44(2):66-69. [CrossRef] [Medline]14].

Strengths and Limitations

This report represents a first attempt at synthesizing competency and training recommendations for improving the public health workforce’s capacity to effectively use digital technologies. Our exploration of competencies related to digital technologies specifically within public health is bolstered by our approach to identifying training recommendations and disciplinary approaches to achieve identified competencies. The rapid review methodology was used for pragmatic reasons because we intended to develop recommendations to inform focus groups in a larger project in Canada to ensure our academic and public health practice partners and knowledge users could consider updates to the curriculum. The Cochrane rapid review methodology recommends that 2 reviewers should perform dual screening of at least 20% of abstracts during title and abstract screening and perform a single review of full texts [Garritty C, Gartlehner G, Nussbaumer-Streit B, et al. Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group offers evidence-informed guidance to conduct rapid reviews. J Clin Epidemiol. Feb 2021;130:13-22. [CrossRef] [Medline]20]. To ensure rigor, we dual-screened 25% of titles and abstracts and dual-screened all full texts (above recommended levels). We also searched multiple databases in line with recommendations, ensuring comprehensiveness of the review [Lefebvre C, Glanville J, Briscoe S, et al. Chapter 4: searching for and selecting studies. In: Higgins JPT, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page MJ, et al, editors. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Wiley; 2022. 53]. However, our rapid review is unlikely to have exhaustively characterized the research area, given our need for expedient delivery of evidence. Given the search strategy and inclusion criteria specifically identified publications discussing digital competencies and training approaches related to the role of digital technologies in executing a broad range of public health functions, we may have inadvertently excluded relevant competency recommendations made solely in the clinical context or within the broader context of digital health. Additionally, articles describing training in passing were not included, and this may have limited the breadth of digital competency recommendations identified. To ensure feasibility, we only included publications in English, and the review could have missed important non-English resources. Our broad approach and definitions of terms like “digital technologies in public health” may have also missed the depth of discussions within specific domains of public health. Finally, the timing of our search may have missed additional perspectives on digital competencies, given known publication lags and a refocus on better public health preparedness toward the end of the COVID-19 pandemic [The chief public health officer’s report on the state of public health in Canada-digital technology as a tool for public health (PG-1-23). Public Health Agency of Canada. 2014. URL: https:/​/www.​​en/​public-health/​corporate/​publications/​chief-public-health-officer-reports-state-public-health-canada/​chief-public-health-officer-report-on-state-public-health-canada-2014-public-health-future/​digital-technology-as-a-tool-for-public-health.​html [Accessed 2024-07-29] 54]. This is plausible given our findings of heightened awareness of digital competency gaps and extended periods required to update competency recommendations. Our recommendations for nimbler mechanisms for developing and updating competencies may address this issue.


To adequately support the digital transformation of public health, practitioners require new digital competencies cutting across and extending existing public health competency frameworks, particularly in Canada. However, the literature is currently sparse regarding what these competencies are and what training approaches might facilitate the competencies. Therefore, research in this area is crucially needed alongside developing mechanisms for competency updates that attempt to keep pace with the development of digital technologies in public health. Where available, evidence suggests the workforce requires new competencies that cut across and extend existing categories of public health competency frameworks, including new competencies related to the use and protection of new digital data sources, alongside facilitating health communication and promotion functions using digital media. Recommendations also emphasize the need for training approaches that focus on interdisciplinarity and innovation through adapted degree-awarding public health training programs and ongoing professional development. As a next step, we are validating identified competency recommendations with public health practitioners to ensure they are well adapted to the Canadian context through focus group discussions with the Canadian public health workforce.


The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of Ms Ursula Ellis, librarian at the University of British Columbia. Findings from this study were presented at the 2023 World Congress on Public Health in Rome, Italy. This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) via the Chief Public Health Officer Catalyst Grant for Transforming Public Health (grant AWD 022946). II is supported by the CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Doctoral Award (grant AWD-018949 CIHR 2021 [CIHR health research training award programs. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. URL: [Accessed 2024-07-29] 55]), the University of British Columbia Four Year Doctoral Fellowship, and the Bill Meekison Memorial Scholarship in Public Health (grant 6870).

Conflicts of Interest

AK is Editor-in-Chief of JMIR Human Factors. The remaining authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Multimedia Appendix 1

PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist.

DOCX File, 26 KB

Multimedia Appendix 2

Detailed search strategy for the rapid review.

DOCX File, 32 KB

Multimedia Appendix 3

Critical appraisal of included studies.

DOCX File, 17 KB

Multimedia Appendix 4

Data extraction form.

DOCX File, 15 KB

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AI: artificial intelligence
ERIC: Education Resources Information Center
ML: machine learning
PCC: population, concept, context
PHAC: Public Health Agency of Canada
PMC: PubMed Central
PRISMA-ScR: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews

Edited by Amaryllis Mavragani; submitted 15.09.23; peer-reviewed by Clarissa Soehnchen, Oliver Opitz, Vera Weirauch; final revised version received 21.05.24; accepted 22.05.24; published 09.09.24.


© Swathi Ramachandran, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Catherine Worthington, Andre Kushniruk, Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, Hugh Davies, Geoffrey McKee, Adalsteinn Brown, Mark Gilbert, Ihoghosa Iyamu. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (, 9.9.2024.

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