Published on in Vol 7, No 9 (2021): September

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Assessing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Effectiveness Through the North West London Vaccination Program: Retrospective Cohort Study

Assessing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Effectiveness Through the North West London Vaccination Program: Retrospective Cohort Study

Assessing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake and Effectiveness Through the North West London Vaccination Program: Retrospective Cohort Study

Ben Glampson   1 * , BSc, MSc ;   James Brittain   2 , BSc, MBBS, MRCS ;   Amit Kaura   2 , MBChB ;   Abdulrahim Mulla   2 , BTech ;   Luca Mercuri   2 , PhD ;   Stephen J Brett   2 , MD, FRCA, FFICM ;   Paul Aylin   3 , MBChB, FFPH, FRCPE ;   Tessa Sandall   4 , BA ;   Ian Goodman   4 , MBBChir, MA, FRCGP ;   Julian Redhead   1 , MBBS, FCEM, FRCP, MFSEM, DipSEM ;   Kavitha Saravanakumar   4 , BSc, MSc ;   Erik K Mayer   1, 2, 5 * , BSc (Hons), MBBS (Hons), PhD, FRCS, FFCI

1 National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare National Health Service Trust, London, United Kingdom

2 Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

3 School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

4 North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups, London, United Kingdom

5 National Institute for Health Research Imperial Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare National Health Service Trust, London, United Kingdom

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

  • Erik K Mayer, BSc (Hons), MBBS (Hons), PhD, FRCS, FFCI
  • Department of Surgery and Cancer
  • Imperial College London
  • 10th Floor QEQM building, St Mary's Hospital Campus
  • Praed Street
  • London, W2 1NY
  • United Kingdom
  • Phone: 44 2078082076
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