Published on in Vol 5, No 4 (2019): Oct-Dec

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Perceived Stress Among Resident Doctors in Jordanian Teaching Hospitals: Cross-Sectional Study

Perceived Stress Among Resident Doctors in Jordanian Teaching Hospitals: Cross-Sectional Study

Perceived Stress Among Resident Doctors in Jordanian Teaching Hospitals: Cross-Sectional Study

Authors of this article:

Nizar Maswadi1 Author Orcid Image ;   Yousef S Khader2 Author Orcid Image ;   Ahmad Abu Slaih3 Author Orcid Image

Nizar Maswadi   1 , MD ;   Yousef S Khader   2 , PhD ;   Ahmad Abu Slaih   3 , MPH, MD

1 Department of Parasitic and Zoonotic Diseases, Directorate of Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health, Amman, Jordan

2 Department of Community Medicine, Public Health and Family Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan

3 Community Medicine Residency Program, Jordan Ministry of Health, Amman, Jordan

Corresponding Author:

  • Nizar Maswadi, MD
  • Department of Parasitic and Zoonotic Diseases
  • Directorate of Communicable Diseases
  • Ministry of Health
  • Wadi as Sir, Byader, Al-Jnadweil
  • Moh'd Aqeelih Street, Building Number 7
  • Amman, 11814
  • Jordan
  • Phone: 962 795972629
  • Email: