Published on in Vol 5, No 3 (2019): Jul-Sep

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Using a Call Center to Reduce Harm From Self-Administration of Reproductive Health Medicines in Bangladesh: Interrupted Time-Series

Using a Call Center to Reduce Harm From Self-Administration of Reproductive Health Medicines in Bangladesh: Interrupted Time-Series

Using a Call Center to Reduce Harm From Self-Administration of Reproductive Health Medicines in Bangladesh: Interrupted Time-Series

Katherine Keenan   1 , PhD ;   Katharine Footman   2 , MSc ;   Munnaf Sadekin   3 , MSc ;   Kate Reiss   4 , MSc ;   Reena Yasmin   3 , MD ;   Hannah Franklin   2 , MSc ;   Kathryn Church   2 , PhD

1 University of St. Andrews, School of Geography and Sustainable Development, St. Andrews, United Kingdom

2 Marie Stopes International, London, United Kingdom

3 Marie Stopes Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

4 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom

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