Published on in Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Apr-Jun

Junk Food Marketing on Instagram: Content Analysis

Junk Food Marketing on Instagram: Content Analysis

Junk Food Marketing on Instagram: Content Analysis


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  34. Huse O, Reeve E, Bell C, Sacks G, Baker P, Wood B, Backholer K. Strategies used by the soft drink industry to grow and sustain sales: a case-study of The Coca-Cola Company in East Asia. BMJ Global Health 2022;7(12):e010386 View
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  44. Eisenhauer B, Freeman B, Grunseit A. Instabrand courtside: a content analysis of marketing strategies by food and beverage brands during the 2021 Australian Open tennis tournament. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2022;46(6):910 View
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  46. Brooks R, Christidis R, Carah N, Kelly B, Martino F, Backholer K. Turning users into ‘unofficial brand ambassadors’: marketing of unhealthy food and non-alcoholic beverages on TikTok. BMJ Global Health 2022;7(6):e009112 View
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  48. Silva J, Rodrigues M, Matos J, Mais L, Martins A, Claro R, Horta P. Use of persuasive strategies in food advertising on television and on social media in Brazil. Preventive Medicine Reports 2021;24:101520 View
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  55. Kay E, Kemps E, Prichard I, Tiggemann M. Instagram-based priming to nudge drink choices: Subtlety is not the answer. Appetite 2023;180:106337 View
  56. Elliott C, Truman E, Aponte-Hao S. Food marketing to teenagers: Examining the power and platforms of food and beverage marketing in Canada. Appetite 2022;173:105999 View
  57. Matos J, Rodrigues M, Duarte C, Horta P. A Scoping Review of Observational Studies on Food and Beverage Advertising on Social Media: A Public Health Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(4):3615 View
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  60. Song J, Yoo S, Yang J, Yun S, Shin Y, Melkani G. Network analysis based on big data in social media of Korean adolescents’ diet behaviors. PLOS ONE 2022;17(8):e0273570 View
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  62. Valero‐Morales I, Nieto C, García A, Espinosa‐Montero J, Aburto T, Tatlow‐Golden M, Boyland E, Barquera S. The nature and extent of food marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube posts in Mexico. Pediatric Obesity 2023;18(5) View
  63. Bankole E, Harris N, Rutherford S, Wiseman N. A systematic review of the adolescent‐directed marketing strategies of transnational fast food companies in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Obesity Science & Practice 2023;9(6):670 View
  64. Ares G, Natero V, Gugliucci V, Machín L, Alcaire F, de León C, Otterbring T. Health-Washing of Ultraprocessed Products on Instagram: Prevalence and Strategies in an Emerging Market. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2023;55(11):815 View
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  66. Evans R, Christiansen P, Finlay A, Jones A, Maden M, Boyland E. A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the effect of digital game‐based or influencer food and non‐alcoholic beverage marketing on children and adolescents: Exploring hierarchy of effects outcomes. Obesity Reviews 2023;24(12) View
  67. Boyland E, Maden M, Coates A, Masterson T, Alblas M, Bruce A, Roberts C. Food and non‐alcoholic beverage marketing in children and adults: A systematic review and activation likelihood estimation meta‐analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Obesity Reviews 2024;25(1) View
  68. Ares G, Alcaire F, Gugliucci V, Machín L, de León C, Natero V, Otterbring T. Colorful candy, teen vibes and cool memes: prevalence and content of Instagram posts featuring ultra-processed products targeted at adolescents. European Journal of Marketing 2024;58(2):471 View
  69. Gasparello G, Mota-Júnior S, Hartmann G, Berlesi A, Acciaris F, Berretta L, Pithon M, Tanaka O, Shirahmadi S. Orthodontics social media, perceptions of science- and non-science-based posts among orthodontists, dentists, students and laypeople. PLOS ONE 2023;18(9):e0286927 View
  70. Kraak V, Holz A, Woods C, Whitlow A, Leary N. A Content Analysis of Persuasive Appeals Used in Media Campaigns to Encourage and Discourage Sugary Beverages and Water in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(14):6359 View
  71. Liu C, Wong T, Chung M, Bai C, Chen Y. Sugar labeling information and online marketing strategies for hand-shaken tea drinks in northern Taiwan. Frontiers in Nutrition 2023;10 View
  72. Evans R, Christiansen P, Masterson T, Barlow G, Boyland E. Food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing via Fortnite streamers on Twitch: A content analysis. Appetite 2024;195:107207 View
  73. Elliott C, Truman E. Food marketing on digital platforms: what do teens see?. Public Health Nutrition 2024;27(1) View
  74. Dávila J, Casabayó M. Instagram paths to materialism in young people: social comparison and identification with influencers. Behaviour & Information Technology 2024:1 View
  75. Droulers O, Yu J, Lacoste-Badie S. Ignite the Scent: The Effectiveness of Implied Explosion in Perfume Ads. Journal of Advertising Research 2024;64(2):154 View
  76. Gleaves J, Kemps E, Prichard I, Tiggemann M. I'll have what She's having (but not what They're having): The moderating role of group membership in the effect of social norms on food choice in an online environment. Appetite 2024;198:107374 View
  77. Matthes J, Binder A, Naderer B, Forrai M, Spielvogel I, Knupfer H, Saumer M. Effects of Food Depictions in Entertainment Media on Children’s Unhealthy Food Preferences: Content Analysis Linked With Panel Data. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2024;7:e51429 View
  78. Brooks R, Backholer K, Kite J. Covert marketing of quick-service restaurants via news media in Australia: A content analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2024;48(3):100150 View
  79. van der Bend D, Beunke T, Shrewsbury V, Bucher T, van Kleef E. My feed is what I eat? A qualitative study on adolescents' awareness and appreciation of food marketing on social media. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2024;37(5):1320 View
  80. Kim Y, Oh H. Food-Related Online Media (Mukbang and Cookbang) Exposure and Dietary Risk Behaviors in Korean Adolescents. The Journal of Nutrition 2024;154(9):2807 View
  81. Cheikh Ismail L, Osaili T, Naja F, Wartanian M, Elkabat G, Arnous M, Alkoukou H, Mohamad M, Saleh S, Al Daour R, Masuadi E, Ali H, Stojanovska L, Al Dhaheri A. The association of social media with dietary behaviors among adults in the United Arab Emirates. Heliyon 2024;10(15):e35574 View
  82. Amini M, Ghodsi D, Zargaraan A, Alibeyk S, Hajigholam-Saryazdi M. Violation of Food Advertising Regulations in Iran: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Preventive Medicine 2023;14(1) View
  83. Bankole E, Harris N, Rutherford S, Wiseman N. Nigerian adolescents’ exposure to fast food marketing via Instagram. BMC Public Health 2024;24(1) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Turanci E. Handbook of Research on Consumption, Media, and Popular Culture in the Global Age. View
  2. Alassani R, Göretz J. Social Computing and Social Media. Communication and Social Communities. View
  3. Jiang S, Chang K, Wang H, Chu K, Wang H, Chang F. Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. View
  4. Turanci E. Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships. View
  5. Martín-Gómez L, Cordero-Gutiérrez R, Pérez-Marcos J. New Trends in Disruptive Technologies, Tech Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. View
  6. Lee A, Leung K. Tourism Marketing in Southeast and East Asia. View
  7. Allen C. Big Data Marketing Strategies for Superior Customer Experience. View
  8. Alshaer N, Hassan A. Business Development via AI and Digitalization. View