Published on in Vol 3, No 4 (2017): Oct-Dec

Participatory Disease Surveillance: Engaging Communities Directly in Reporting, Monitoring, and Responding to Health Threats

Participatory Disease Surveillance: Engaging Communities Directly in Reporting, Monitoring, and Responding to Health Threats

Participatory Disease Surveillance: Engaging Communities Directly in Reporting, Monitoring, and Responding to Health Threats


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  7. Geneviève L, Martani A, Wangmo T, Paolotti D, Koppeschaar C, Kjelsø C, Guerrisi C, Hirsch M, Woolley-Meza O, Lukowicz P, Flahault A, Elger B. Participatory Disease Surveillance Systems: Ethical Framework. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(5):e12273 View
  8. Garg S, Bhatnagar N, Gangadharan N. A Case for Participatory Disease Surveillance of the COVID-19 Pandemic in India. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2020;6(2):e18795 View
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  13. Leal Neto O, Cruz O, Albuquerque J, Nacarato de Sousa M, Smolinski M, Pessoa Cesse E, Libel M, Vieira de Souza W. Participatory Surveillance Based on Crowdsourcing During the Rio 2016 Olympic Games Using the Guardians of Health Platform: Descriptive Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2020;6(2):e16119 View
  14. Andel M, Jones G, Buckle K, Phiri B, McFadden A, Dacre I, Bingham P, Heuer C, Abila R, Win H, Lwin K, Binney B, Zaari S, Gates M. Estimating foot‐and‐mouth disease (FMD) prevalence in central Myanmar: Comparison of village headman and farmer disease reports with serological findings. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2020;67(2):778 View
  15. Loef B, van Baarle D, van der Beek A, Sanders E, Bruijning-Verhagen P, Proper K. Shift Work and Respiratory Infections in Health-Care Workers. American Journal of Epidemiology 2019;188(3):509 View
  16. Masthi R, Jahan A, Bharathi D, Abhilash P, Kaniyarakkal V, TV S, Gowda G, TS R, Goud R, Rao S, Hegde A. Postcode based participatory disease surveillance systems : a comparison with traditional risk-based surveillance and its application in the COVID-19 pandemic (Preprint). JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2020 View
  17. Lapointe-Shaw L, Rader B, Astley C, Hawkins J, Bhatia D, Schatten W, Lee T, Liu J, Ivers N, Stall N, Gournis E, Tuite A, Fisman D, Bogoch I, Brownstein J, Di Gennaro F. Web and phone-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance in Canada: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE 2020;15(10):e0239886 View
  18. Leal Neto O, Haenni S, Phuka J, Ozella L, Paolotti D, Cattuto C, Robles D, Lichand G. Combining Wearable Devices and Mobile Surveys to Study Child and Youth Development in Malawi: Implementation Study of a Multimodal Approach. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2021;7(3):e23154 View
  19. Runkle J, Sugg M, Graham G, Hodge B, March T, Mullendore J, Tove F, Salyers M, Valeika S, Vaughan E. Participatory COVID-19 Surveillance Tool in Rural Appalachia. Public Health Reports® 2021;136(3):327 View
  20. Naguib M, Li R, Ling J, Grace D, Nguyen-Viet H, Lindahl J. Live and Wet Markets: Food Access versus the Risk of Disease Emergence. Trends in Microbiology 2021;29(7):573 View
  21. Lima Y, Pinheiro W, Barbosa C, Magalhães M, Chaves M, de Souza J, Rodrigues S, Xexéo G. Development of an Index for the Inspection of Aedes aegypti Breeding Sites in Brazil: Multi-criteria Analysis. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2021;7(5):e19502 View
  22. Özçelik R, Remy-Wohlfender F, Küker S, Visschers V, Hadorn D, Dürr S. Potential and Challenges of Community-Based Surveillance in Animal Health: A Pilot Study Among Equine Owners in Switzerland. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2021;8 View
  23. Thomas L, Rushton J, Bukachi S, Falzon L, Howland O, Fèvre E. Cross-Sectoral Zoonotic Disease Surveillance in Western Kenya: Identifying Drivers and Barriers Within a Resource Constrained Setting. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2021;8 View
  24. Prado N, Biscarde D, Pinto Junior E, Santos H, Mota S, Menezes E, Oliveira J, Santos A. Ações de vigilância à saúde integradas à Atenção Primária à Saúde diante da pandemia da COVID-19: contribuições para o debate. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 2021;26(7):2843 View
  25. Franchini M, Molinaro S, Caiolfa M, Salvatori M, Pieroni S. Facing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Sources of Data, Indicators, and Participatory Strategies in Healthcare and Social Fields. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(19):10457 View
  26. Raju R, Kezia Angelin J, Karthikeyan A, Kumar D, Kumar R R, Sahai N, Ramanujam K, Murhekar M, Elangovan A, Samuel P, John J, Kang G. Healthcare Utilization Survey in the Hybrid Model of the Surveillance for Enteric Fever in India (SEFI) Study: Processes, Monitoring, Results, and Challenges. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2021;224(Supplement_5):S529 View
  27. Tan Y, Agrawal A, Matsoso M, Katz R, Davis S, Winkler A, Huber A, Joshi A, El-Mohandes A, Mellado B, Mubaira C, Canlas F, Asiki G, Khosa H, Lazarus J, Choisy M, Recamonde-Mendoza M, Keiser O, Okwen P, English R, Stinckwich S, Kiwuwa-Muyingo S, Kutadza T, Sethi T, Mathaha T, Nguyen V, Gill A, Yap P. A call for citizen science in pandemic preparedness and response: beyond data collection. BMJ Global Health 2022;7(6):e009389 View
  28. Guenin M, De Nys H, Peyre M, Loire E, Thongyuan S, Diallo A, Zogbelemou L, Goutard F, Léchenne M. A participatory epidemiological and One Health approach to explore the community’s capacity to detect emerging zoonoses and surveillance network opportunities in the forest region of Guinea. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022;16(7):e0010462 View
  29. Morgan O, Abdelmalik P, Perez-Gutierrez E, Fall I, Kato M, Hamblion E, Matsui T, Nabeth P, Pebody R, Pukkila J, Stephan M, Ihekweazu C. How better pandemic and epidemic intelligence will prepare the world for future threats. Nature Medicine 2022;28(8):1526 View
  30. Kewprasopsak T, Singhapreecha C, Yano T, Doluschitz R. A long-term negative effect of monetary incentives on the participatory surveillance of animal disease: a pilot study in Chiang Mai, Thailand. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1) View
  31. McNeil C, Verlander S, Divi N, Smolinski M. The Landscape of Participatory Surveillance Systems Across the One Health Spectrum: Systematic Review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2022;8(8):e38551 View
  32. Hasan N, Haque M. Extracting epidemiological knowledge of shrimp farmers applying participatory appraisal tools and mobile phone-assisted survey to identify and solve the problems of WSD. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2023;7(1):100406 View
  33. Greenleaf A, Mwima G, Lethoko M, Conkling M, Keefer G, Chang C, McLeod N, Maruyama H, Chen Q, Farley S, Low A. Participatory Surveillance of COVID-19 in Lesotho via Weekly Calls: Protocol for Cell Phone Data Collection. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(9):e31236 View
  34. Leal-Neto O, Egger T, Schlegel M, Flury D, Sumer J, Albrich W, Babouee Flury B, Kuster S, Vernazza P, Kahlert C, Kohler P. Digital SARS-CoV-2 Detection Among Hospital Employees: Participatory Surveillance Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2021;7(11):e33576 View
  35. Osorio Arango K, Brant J, Ganem F, Moraes J, Guimaraes L, Pinheiro V, De Andrade V, Beltrán Durán M, Prieto Alvarado F. Estrategia de vigilancia participativa mediante dispositivos móviles Guardianes de la Salud: visita del Papa Francisco a Colombia, septiembre de 2017. Informe epidemiológico nacional 2017:1 View
  36. De Siqueira G, Malaj S, Hamdani M. Digitalization, Participation and Interaction: Towards More Inclusive Tools in Urban Design—A Literature Review. Sustainability 2022;14(8):4514 View
  37. Harvey E, Trent J, Mackenzie F, Turnbull S, O’Neale D. Calculating incidence of Influenza-like and COVID-like symptoms from Flutracking participatory survey data. MethodsX 2022;9:101820 View
  38. Nadal D, Abela-Ridder B, Beeching S, Cleaveland S, Cronin K, Steenson R, Hampson K. The Impact of the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Canine Rabies Control Efforts: A Mixed-Methods Study of Observations About the Present and Lessons for the Future. Frontiers in Tropical Diseases 2022;3 View
  39. Blanchard L, Jones-Diette J, Lorenc T, Sutcliffe K, Sowden A, Thomas J. Comparison of national surveillance systems for Lyme disease in humans in Europe and North America: a policy review. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1) View
  40. Dickmann P, Strahwald B. Ein neues Verständnis von Risikokommunikation in Public-Health-Notlagen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 2022;65(5):545 View
  41. Hohmuth N, Khanyaree I, Lang A, Duering O, Konigorski S, Višković V, Heising T, Egender F, Remschmidt C, Leistner R. Participatory disease surveillance for a mass gathering — a prospective cohort study on COVID-19, Germany 2021. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1) View
  42. Wittwer S, Paolotti D, Lichand G, Leal Neto O. Participatory Surveillance for COVID-19 Trend Detection in Brazil: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2023;9:e44517 View
  43. Bhatia S, Imai N, Watson O, Abbood A, Abdelmalik P, Cornelissen T, Ghozzi S, Lassmann B, Nagesh R, Ragonnet-Cronin M, Schnitzler J, Kraemer M, Cauchemez S, Nouvellet P, Cori A. Lessons from COVID-19 for rescalable data collection. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2023;23(9):e383 View
  44. Leal Neto O, Paolotti D, Dalton C, Carlson S, Susumpow P, Parker M, Phetra P, Lau E, Colizza V, Jan van Hoek A, Kjelsø C, Brownstein J, Smolinski M. Enabling Multicentric Participatory Disease Surveillance for Global Health Enhancement: Viewpoint on Global Flu View. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2023;9:e46644 View
  45. Tseng Y, Olson K, Bloch D, Mandl K. Smart Thermometer–Based Participatory Surveillance to Discern the Role of Children in Household Viral Transmission During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Network Open 2023;6(6):e2316190 View
  46. Francis S, Mwima G, Lethoko M, Chang C, Farley S, Asiimwe F, Chen Q, West C, Greenleaf A. Comparison of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) incidence data from the novel LeCellPHIA participatory surveillance system with COVID-19 case count data, Lesotho, July 2020 – July 2021. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023;23(1) View
  47. Tseng Y, Olson K, Bloch D, Mandl K. Engaging a national-scale cohort of smart thermometer users in participatory surveillance. npj Digital Medicine 2023;6(1) View
  48. Morgan E, Dillard D, Lofgren E, Maddison B, Riklon S, McElfish P, Sinclair K. Moana: Alternate surveillance for COVID-19 in a Unique Population (MASC-UP). Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2024;37:101246 View
  49. Divi N, Mantero J, Libel M, Leal Neto O, Schultheiss M, Sewalk K, Brownstein J, Smolinski M. How EpiCore is Enabling the Rapid Verification of Potential Health Threats: Illustrated Use Cases and Summary Statistics. (Preprint). JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2023 View
  50. Bolt K, Gil-González D, Oliver N. Unconventional data, unprecedented insights: leveraging non-traditional data during a pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health 2024;12 View
  51. Oliveira J, Favacho A, Juliano R, Barros L, Zeno P, Pauvolid-Corrêa A, Chame M. Vigilância participativa: caminhos para a Saúde Única no Pantanal e na fronteira oeste. Saúde em Debate 2024;48(140) View
  52. Marley G, Dako-Gyeke P, Nepal P, Rajgopal R, Koko E, Chen E, Nuamah K, Osei K, Hofkirchner H, Marks M, Tucker J, Eggo R, Ampofo W, Sylvia S. Collective Intelligence–Based Participatory COVID-19 Surveillance in Accra, Ghana: Pilot Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Infodemiology 2024;4:e50125 View
  53. Valerio M, Laher B, Phuka J, Lichand G, Paolotti D, Leal Neto O. Participatory Disease Surveillance for the Early Detection of Cholera-Like Diarrheal Disease Outbreaks in Rural Villages in Malawi: Prospective Cohort Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024;10:e49539 View
  54. Lim S, Johannesson P. An Ontology to Bridge the Clinical Management of Patients and Public Health Responses for Strengthening Infectious Disease Surveillance: Design Science Study. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e53711 View
  55. Hussain M, Tewari D. Social media applications in biomedical research. Exploration of Digital Health Technologies 2024:167 View
  56. Greenleaf A, Francis S, Zou J, Farley S, Lekhela T, Asiimwe F, Chen Q. Influenza-Like Illness in Lesotho From July 2020 to July 2021: Population-Based Participatory Surveillance Results. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024;10:e55208 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Vayena E, Feretti A. Global Health. View
  2. Checkley S, Tomaselli M, Caulkett N. Arctic One Health. View
  3. Sapkota B, Maskey S, Shrestha R, Shrestha S. Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy. View
  4. Gomes B, Rebelo C, Alves de Sousa L. One Health. View
  5. Cook G, Morisette J, Remmenga M, Spiegel K, Russo J. Tactical Sciences for Biosecurity in Animal and Plant Systems. View
  6. Sapkota B, Maskey S, Shrestha R, Shrestha S. Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy. View
  7. Richiardi L, Pizzi C, Paolotti D, Blumenberg C. Handbook of Epidemiology. View