Published on in Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Apr-Jun

Saúde na Copa: The World’s First Application of Participatory Surveillance for a Mass Gathering at FIFA World Cup 2014, Brazil

Saúde na Copa: The World’s First Application of Participatory Surveillance for a Mass Gathering at FIFA World Cup 2014, Brazil

Saúde na Copa: The World’s First Application of Participatory Surveillance for a Mass Gathering at FIFA World Cup 2014, Brazil

Onicio Leal Neto   1, 2, 3 , MPH ;   George Santiago Dimech   4 , MPH ;   Marlo Libel   5 , MD ;   Wayner Vieira de Souza   6 , PhD ;   Eduarda Cesse   6 , PhD ;   Mark Smolinski   5 , MPH ;   Wanderson Oliveira   7 , MPH ;   Jones Albuquerque   1, 8 , PhD

1 Epitrack, Recife, Brazil

2 SingularityU Recife Chapter, Recife, Brazil

3 Aggeu Magalhães Research Center, Departament of Health Collective, Recife, Brazil

4 Pernambuco Health Departament, Recife, Brazil

5 Skoll Global Threats Fund, Pandemics Team, San Francisco, CA, United States

6 Aggeu Magalhães Research Center, Departament of Public Health, Recife, Brazil

7 Brazil's Ministry of Health, General Coordination of Public Health Emergencies Response, Brasilia, Brazil

8 Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Informatics Departament, Recife, Brazil

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