Published on in Vol 2, No 2 (2016): Jul-Dec

- Vuorinen A, Erkkola M, Fogelholm M, Kinnunen S, Saarijärvi H, Uusitalo L, Näppilä T, Nevalainen J. Characterization and Correction of Bias Due to Nonparticipation and the Degree of Loyalty in Large-Scale Finnish Loyalty Card Data on Grocery Purchases: Cohort Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e18059 View
- Brassard D, Lemieux S, Charest A, Lapointe A, Couture P, Labonté M, Lamarche B. Comparing Interviewer-Administered and Web-Based Food Frequency Questionnaires to Predict Energy Requirements in Adults. Nutrients 2018;10(9):1292 View
- Zazpe I, Santiago S, De la Fuente-Arrillaga C, Nuñez-Córdoba J, Bes-Rastrollo M, Martínez-González M. Paper-Based Versus Web-Based Versions of Self-Administered Questionnaires, Including Food-Frequency Questionnaires: Prospective Cohort Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2019;5(4):e11997 View
- Gentile L, Cuda A, Dallagiacoma G, Provenzano S, Santangelo O, Navaro M, D’Aloisio F, Gianfredi V. Opinion, knowledge and attitude of public health residents towards the new mandatory vaccination law in Italy. Journal of Public Health 2021;29(3):659 View
- Lapointe A, Laramée C, Belanger-Gravel A, Buckeridge D, Desroches S, Garriguet D, Gauvin L, Lemieux S, Plante C, Lamarche B. NutriQuébec: a unique web-based prospective cohort study to monitor the population’s eating and other lifestyle behaviours in the province of Québec. BMJ Open 2020;10(10):e039889 View
- Bourke A, Dixon W, Roddam A, Lin K, Hall G, Curtis J, van der Veer S, Soriano‐Gabarró M, Mills J, Major J, Verstraeten T, Francis M, Bartels D. Incorporating patient generated health data into pharmacoepidemiological research. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2020;29(12):1540 View
- Condamina M, Penso L, Tran V, Hotz C, Guillem P, Villani A, Perrot P, Bru M, Jacquet E, Nassif A, Bachelez H, Wolkenstein P, Beylot-Barry M, Richard M, Ravaud P, Viguier M, Sbidian E. Baseline Characteristics of a National French E-Cohort of Hidradenitis Suppurativa in ComPaRe and Comparison with Other Large Hidradenitis Suppurativa Cohorts. Dermatology 2021;237(5):748 View
- Perafita X, Saez M. Clustering of Small Territories Based on Axes of Inequality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(6):3359 View
- Shim C, Chan S, Wei Y, Ghani H, Ahmad L, Sharif H, Alikhan M, Haji Bagol S, Taib S, Tan C, Ong X, Wang L, Wang Y, Liu A, Lim H, Wong J, Naing L, Cunningham A. Technology-assisted adaptive recruitment strategy for a large nation-wide COVID-19 vaccine immunogenicity study in Brunei. Frontiers in Public Health 2022;10 View
- Reddy H, Joshi S, Joshi A, Wagh V. A Critical Review of Global Digital Divide and the Role of Technology in Healthcare. Cureus 2022 View
- Hoffmann S, Paldam Folker A, Buskbjerg M, Paldam Folker M, Huber Jezek A, Lyngsø Svarta D, Nielsen Sølvhøj I, Thygesen L. Potential of Online Recruitment Among 15-25-Year Olds: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(5):e35874 View