Call for Papers for Theme Issue: Key Population Size Estimations

Call for Papers for Theme Issue: Key Population Size Estimations (JMIR Public Health and Surveillance)

This CDC-sponsored theme issue of JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (Editor-in-chief: Travis Sanchez, Guest editors: Dimitri Prybylski and Joyce Neal) will focus on population size estimates in resource-limited settings.

Submissions should focus on population size estimates based on empirical methods, either as stand-alone size estimation studies or in the context of surveys or other data collection activities. Size estimation methods should be based on empirical methods, such as:

                    • Capture-recapture
                    • Multiplier methods
                    • Network scale-up method
                    • Bayesian and other modeling
                    • Census and enumeration


Manuscripts should follow the usual Instructions for Authors and be accompanied by a cover letter mentioning this call for papers.

Further special instructions for papers for this theme issue are available as Word file here.

To submit your manuscript, please visit and under “Journal Section” choose “Theme Issue 2018: Key Population Size Estimations”. See also FAQ article "How to submit to a theme issue".

All submissions will be subject to the journal’s usual peer review and editorial processes.

Submissions will be subject to a 20% APF discount.

Extended Submission Deadline: October 31, 2018

Guest editors:

Dimitri Prybylski (, Associate Director for Science, US CDC in Namibia

Joyce Neal (, US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Division of Global AIDS/HIV

For questions about this theme issue, please contact the coordinator, Italia Rolle, at