Original Paper
- Junyao Zheng1,2, MSc ;
- Ning Zhang3, BA ;
- Guoquan Shen4, MSc ;
- Fengchao Liang5, PhD ;
- Yang Zhao6,7, PhD ;
- Xiaochen He3, PhD ;
- Ying Wang3, PhD ;
- Rongxin He8, PhD ;
- Wenna Chen9, PhD ;
- Hao Xue10, PhD ;
- Yue Shen11, PhD ;
- Yang Fu12, PhD ;
- Wei-Hong Zhang13, PhD ;
- Lei Zhang14,15,16,17, PhD ;
- Samir Bhatt18,19, PhD ;
- Ying Mao3, PhD ;
- Bin Zhu5, PhD
1China Institute for Urban Governance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
3School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
4School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
5School of Public Health and Emergency Management, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
6The George Institute for Global Health, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China
7WHO Collaborating Centre on Implementation Research for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, Melbourne, Australia
8Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
9Center for Chinese Public Administration Research and School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
10Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
11Laboratory for Urban Future, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, China
12Department of public administration, School of Government, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
13International Centre for Reproductive Health, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
14China-Australia Joint Research Center for Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi’an, China
15Artificial Intelligence and Modelling in Epidemiology Program, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia
16Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
17Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
18MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics, School of Public Health, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
19Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Corresponding Author:
Bin Zhu, PhD
School of Public Health and Emergency Management
Southern University of Science and Technology
No.1088, Xueyuan Avenue
Shenzhen, 518000
Phone: 86 13530405020
Email: zhub6@sustech.edu.cn
Background: China is the most populous country globally and has made significant achievements in the control of infectious diseases over the last decades. The 2003 SARS epidemic triggered the initiation of the China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention (CISDCP). Since then, numerous studies have investigated the epidemiological features and trends of individual infectious diseases in China; however, few considered the changing spatiotemporal trends and seasonality of these infectious diseases over time.
Objective: This study aims to systematically review the spatiotemporal trends and seasonal characteristics of class A and class B notifiable infectious diseases in China during 2005-2020.
Methods: We extracted the incidence and mortality data of 8 types (27 diseases) of notifiable infectious diseases from the CISDCP. We used the Mann-Kendall and Sen’s methods to investigate the diseases’ temporal trends, Moran I statistic for their geographical distribution, and circular distribution analysis for their seasonality.
Results: Between January 2005 and December 2020, 51,028,733 incident cases and 261,851 attributable deaths were recorded. Pertussis (P=.03), dengue fever (P=.01), brucellosis (P=.001), scarlet fever (P=.02), AIDS (P<.001), syphilis (P<.001), hepatitis C (P<.001) and hepatitis E (P=.04) exhibited significant upward trends. Furthermore, measles (P<.001), bacillary and amebic dysentery (P<.001), malaria (P=.04), dengue fever (P=.006), brucellosis (P=.03), and tuberculosis (P=.003) exhibited significant seasonal patterns. We observed marked disease burden–related geographic disparities and heterogeneities. Notably, high-risk areas for various infectious diseases have remained relatively unchanged since 2005. In particular, hemorrhagic fever and brucellosis were largely concentrated in Northeast China; neonatal tetanus, typhoid and paratyphoid, Japanese encephalitis, leptospirosis, and AIDS in Southwest China; BAD in North China; schistosomiasis in Central China; anthrax, tuberculosis, and hepatitis A in Northwest China; rabies in South China; and gonorrhea in East China. However, the geographical distribution of syphilis, scarlet fever, and hepatitis E drifted from coastal to inland provinces during 2005-2020.
Conclusions: The overall infectious disease burden in China is declining; however, hepatitis C and E, bacterial infections, and sexually transmitted infections continue to multiply, many of which have spread from coastal to inland provinces
Evidence Before This Study
China, the world’s most populous nation, has greatly reduced its infectious disease burden over the past 2 decades. There is tremendous interest in understanding the spatiotemporal trends of notifiable infectious diseases. We searched PubMed and the China National Knowledge Internet Database for all journal articles before August 1, 2022, using the following keywords: (“notifiable infectious diseases” OR “notifiable diseases” OR “notifiable infections”) AND (“China” OR “Chinese”) AND (“epidemiology” OR “epidemiological characteristics” OR “epidemiological features” OR “surveillance” OR “incidence” OR “morbidity” OR “mortality” OR “trends” OR “seasonality” OR “review”). Several studies have reviewed the national incidence and mortality data of notifiable infectious diseases in China. However, to date, previous studies have only assessed the temporal trends, and few studies have systematically reviewed and mapped out the disparities in infectious disease burden; further, the latest epidemiological characteristics after 2016 have not been explored.
Added Value of This Study
To our knowledge, this study is the first to systematically explore and compare the spatiotemporal trends of different types of notifiable infectious disease cases and has covered the longest period since the establishment of the China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention (CISDCP). This study also identified the latest temporal trends and seasonal characteristics of different types of notifiable infectious diseases. Regional differences and identified high-risk areas can be observed on the descriptive and spatial cluster maps, indicating that some provinces are struggling to combat certain types of infectious diseases. Therefore, our results supplement those of previous studies and provide insights into evidence-based infectious disease prevention and control policy making in China.
Implications of All the Available Evidence
There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for preventing and controlling infectious diseases in different administrative units (provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities) due to huge disparities in the burdens of all the types of notifiable infectious diseases in China. Continuous efforts should be made through subtype-specific and region-oriented infectious disease prevention and control policies by prioritizing the most recently identified high-risk areas and high-risk seasons. A more detailed prevention and control plan should be developed based on the current trends and patterns of notifiable infectious diseases, which should aid in setting a clear goal for the management of each type of infectious disease, be renewable with time, target high-risk areas, and specify the duties of each sector.
Infectious disease prevention and control are key focuses of the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals [World Health Organization. Health in 2015: From MDGs, Millennium development Goals to SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2015.1] of the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite achievements in reducing infectious disease burden globally, including polio elimination and smallpox eradication, several recent major epidemics have significantly interrupted people’s lives and the country’s economic activities [Bai B, Jiang Q, Hou J. The COVID-19 epidemic and other notifiable infectious diseases in China. Microbes Infect 2022 Feb;24(1):104881 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]2]. These include the 2003 SARS epidemic, 2009 influenza A virus epidemic, and 2013-2014 H7N9 Avian influenza epidemic, which have raised concerns regarding infectious diseases worldwide [Chen H. H5N1 avian influenza in China. Sci China C Life Sci 2009 May;52(5):419-427. [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Zhang X, Zou L, Chen J, Fang Y, Huang J, Zhang J, et al. Avian influenza A H7N9 virus has been established in China. J Biol Syst 2017 Dec 26;25(04):605-623. [CrossRef]4]. In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 756 million cases and over 6.8 million deaths (as of February 2023, data from the WHO), causing considerable long-term concern globally [World Health Organization. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard. World Health Organization. 2023. URL: https://covid19.who.int/ [accessed 2023-02-28] 5-Song C, Yin H, Shi X, Xie M, Yang S, Zhou J, et al. Spatiotemporal disparities in regional public risk perception of COVID-19 using Bayesian Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficients (STVC) series models across Chinese cities. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct 2022 Jul;77:103078 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7].
China has made considerable progress in the battle against infectious diseases and has witnessed a significant drop in the burden of many major infectious diseases [Wang Y, Zhou X. The year 2020, a milestone in breaking the vicious cycle of poverty and illness in China. Infect Dis Poverty 2020 Jan 30;9(1):11 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8]. However, infectious diseases remain a major health concern in China, where they still impose heavy burdens and economic losses nationwide [Jiang Y, Dou X, Yan C, Wan L, Liu H, Li M, et al. Epidemiological characteristics and trends of notifiable infectious diseases in China from 1986 to 2016. J Glob Health 2020 Dec;10(2):020803 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9] (major outbreaks of infectious diseases after SARS are listed in Table S1 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
Multimedia Appendix 1
Previous studies reviewing the epidemiology of notifiable infectious diseases in China tended to focus on epidemiological features and national trends in incidence. For instance, Zhang and Wilson [Zhang L, Wilson DP. Trends in notifiable infectious diseases in China: implications for surveillance and population health policy. PLoS One 2012 Feb 16;7(2):e31076 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15] reviewed the national trends in notifiable infectious diseases in China from 1975 to 2008 and discussed the implications for public health interventions. Furthermore, 10 years after the SARS outbreak, Yang et al [Yang S, Wu J, Ding C, Cui Y, Zhou Y, Li Y, et al. Epidemiological features of and changes in incidence of infectious diseases in China in the first decade after the SARS outbreak: an observational trend study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2017 Jul;17(7):716-725. [CrossRef]12] reviewed the incidence trends of notifiable infectious diseases from 2005 to 2013, thereby providing evidence supporting an evaluation of China’s prevention and control policies. In addition, based on 132,858,005 included cases, Jiang et al [Jiang Y, Dou X, Yan C, Wan L, Liu H, Li M, et al. Epidemiological characteristics and trends of notifiable infectious diseases in China from 1986 to 2016. J Glob Health 2020 Dec;10(2):020803 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9] explored the 31-year epidemiological trends in notifiable infectious diseases from 1986 to 2016. In the aforementioned studies, despite the knowledge gained, little attention was paid to the geographical distribution patterns of infectious disease cases, limiting the understanding of infectious disease epidemiology. Although several studies have examined the geographical distribution of a single infectious disease or single type of disease [Zheng J, Shen G, Hu S, Han X, Zhu S, Liu J, et al. Small-scale spatiotemporal epidemiology of notifiable infectious diseases in China: a systematic review. BMC Infect Dis 2022 Sep 05;22(1):723-719 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]16], few have systematically compared the spatial disparities in the burdens of different subtypes of infectious diseases in China.
The lack of knowledge regarding how infectious disease incidence varies across geographical regions and disease types significantly hinders evidence-based policy design. To fill this knowledge gap, this study aimed to review the 16-year spatiotemporal and seasonal trends of 8 major types of class A and B notifiable infectious diseases (quarantinable diseases, vaccine-preventable diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, vector-borne diseases, zoonotic infections, bacterial infections, sexually transmitted infections, and viral hepatitis) after the establishment of the CISDCP in China. The study will add further value to the existing literature and provide additional evidence to inform stakeholders in formulating infectious disease prevention and control policies.
Data and Measurements
Annual incidence and mortality data recorded from 2005 to 2020 were extracted from the National Health Statistical Yearbooks [National Health Commission of the PRC. China Health Statistical Yearbook. Beijing, China: Chinese Peking Union Medical College Press; 2021.17] published by the National Health Commission of China. Incidence data in 31 provincial units (provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities), which were exported from the CISDCP, were obtained from the Public Health Science Data Center of the Chinese CDC. In addition, we collected the monthly incidence (the number of incident cases per month divided by the population size) data of each disease between January 2005 and December 2020 from the CISDCP. Subsequently, the average monthly incidence of each infectious disease was calculated as the number of newly infected cases in the certain month of each year from 2005 to 2020 divided by the population.
The CISDCP is a national-level system that collects and manages data on infectious diseases and other health-related topics in China [Wang L, Wang Y, Jin S, Wu Z, Chin DP, Koplan JP, et al. Emergence and control of infectious diseases in China. The Lancet 2008 Nov;372(9649):1598-1605. [CrossRef]10]. The system has been in place since the 1980s and has undergone significant improvements over the years to enhance its data quality and timeliness [Zhang L, Wilson DP. Trends in notifiable infectious diseases in China: implications for surveillance and population health policy. PLoS One 2012 Feb 16;7(2):e31076 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15]. After the 2003 SARS epidemic, the updated CISDCP was also formally launched and provided a real-time and direct online reporting platform through the internet to monitor public health emergencies [Wang L, Wang Y, Jin S, Wu Z, Chin DP, Koplan JP, et al. Emergence and control of infectious diseases in China. The Lancet 2008 Nov;372(9649):1598-1605. [CrossRef]10]. First-diagnosis doctors and laboratory personnel are responsible for the record and report by means of report cards and the internet [Wang Q, Guo L, Wang J, Zhang L, Zhu W, Yuan Y, et al. Spatial distribution of tuberculosis and its socioeconomic influencing factors in mainland China 2013-2016. Trop Med Int Health 2019 Sep 14;24(9):1104-1113 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]18]. With several procedures, such as amendments, supplementary reports, and reexamination, the data for all of the notifiable infectious diseases are summarized by the national CDC and released on the website of the Public Health Science Data Center [Wang Q, Guo L, Wang J, Zhang L, Zhu W, Yuan Y, et al. Spatial distribution of tuberculosis and its socioeconomic influencing factors in mainland China 2013-2016. Trop Med Int Health 2019 Sep 14;24(9):1104-1113 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]18]. In fact, reports of notifiable diseases from hospitals in real time have reduced the underreporting of infectious diseases. A monitoring report management system, personnel, and funding support ensure the system’s effective and sustainable operation [Zhang H, Wang L, Lai S, Li Z, Sun Q, Zhang P. Surveillance and early warning systems of infectious disease in China: From 2012 to 2014. Int J Health Plann Mgmt 2017 Jun 20;32(3):329-338. [CrossRef]14].
Considering the comparability and continuity of data, we excluded the new and eradicated diseases such as SARS, Asian lineage avian influenza A, COVID-19, hepatitis D, and highly pathogenic avian influenza. Finally, 27 infectious diseases (2 class A notifiable infectious diseases and 25 class B notifiable infectious diseases in China) were included in the study. For our assessment, we categorized these 27 selected infectious diseases, including their subtypes, into 8 major types (quarantinable diseases, vaccine-preventable diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, vector-borne diseases, zoonotic infections, bacterial infections, sexually transmitted infections, and viral hepatitis) based on their characteristics and origins, according to Zhang and Wilson’s [Zhang L, Wilson DP. Trends in notifiable infectious diseases in China: implications for surveillance and population health policy. PLoS One 2012 Feb 16;7(2):e31076 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15] categorization of notifiable infectious diseases in China (Table S3 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
Statistical Analysis
Broken-line charts were used to visually illustrate the temporal trends of the yearly incidence of each type of disease from 2005 to 2020. We used 2 nonparametric methods, the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator (Technical Notes S1 and S2 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
We standardized the average monthly incidence rate of each infectious disease [0,1] based on percentile ranks and presented the standardized data in heat diagrams to illustrate seasonal distribution. Circular distribution analysis was used to test the seasonal trends of incidence and their statistical significance (Technical Note S3 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
Local Moran I statistic (Technical Note S4 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
We used R 4.0.5 software (R Foundation) for the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s scope estimates. Furthermore, Microsoft Excel 2019 was used to perform the circular distribution analysis, Moran I was computed using GeoDa 16.0 (version 1.18.0; GitHub, Inc), and the maps were created using ArcGIS 10.3 (version 10.0; Esri, Inc).
Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
This study only used secondary data, which are not applicable for the ethics committee approval.
Between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2020, a total of 51,028,733 cases of 8 major types of infectious diseases were reported, among which 261,851 deaths were recorded (Table 1). The yearly average mortality was calculated as 120.584 deaths per 10,000,000 and the case-fatality ratio was 5.131 deaths per 1000 cases per year. Among the 8 types of infectious diseases, viral hepatitis (including A, B, C, E, and unspecified hepatitis) had the highest average yearly incidence (96.217/100,000; range 81.105-108.441), and sexually transmitted infections (AIDS, gonorrhea, and syphilis) resulted in the highest average yearly mortality (78.781/10,000,000; range 10.120-150.360).
The incidence of 15 of the 27 infectious diseases significantly decreased during the research period, while 8 (pertussis, dengue fever, brucellosis, scarlet fever, AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis C and E) of the 27 infectious diseases exhibited significantly increasing trends in incidence from 2005 to 2020 ( Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Figure 1; detailed parameters are listed in
Table 2). Syphilis, hepatitis C, and AIDS showed the fastest growth rates, with estimated slopes of 1.621, 0.759, and 0.327 annual new cases per 100,000, respectively. The incidences of plague, hemorrhagic fever, schistosomiasis, and gonorrhea were relatively stable. Six were characterized by significant seasonal distribution (
Figure 2; detailed parameters are presented in Table S2 in
Multimedia Appendix 1
Type and infectious disease | Incidence data for infectious diseases | Mortality data for infectious diseases | Case-fatality ratios (per 1000) | ||||||
Cases (n) | Yearly incidence (per 100,000), (lower-upper limits) | Percentages of total cases | Deaths (n) | Yearly mortality (per 10,000,000), (lower-upper limits) | Percentages of total deaths | ||||
Total | 51,028,733 | 236.678 (184.204 to 272.388) | 100.000 | 261,851 | 120.584 (75.870 to 178.860) | 100.000 | 5.131 | ||
Quarantinable diseases | 184,920 | 0.859 (0.580 to 1.682) | 0.362 | 1716 | 0.802 (0.330 to 2.130) | 0.655 | 9.280 | ||
Plague | 50 | 0 (0 to 0.001) | 0.000 | 21 | 0.010 (0 to 0.020) | 0.008 | 420.000 | ||
Cholera | 1991 | 0.009 (0.001 to 0.075) | 0.004 | 7 | 0.004 (0 to 0.030) | 0.003 | 3.516 | ||
Hemorrhagic fever | 182,879 | 0.850 (0.579 to 1.606) | 0.358 | 1688 | 0.788 (0.320 to 2.080) | 0.645 | 9.230 | ||
Vaccine-preventable diseases | 849,924 | 3.992 (0.382 to 10.264) | 1.666 | 1860 | 0.878 (0.020 to 2.790) | 0.710 | 2.188 | ||
Measles | 731,114 | 3.448 (0.061 to 9.948) | 1.433 | 450 | 0.221 (0 to 0.770) | 0.172 | 0.615 | ||
Pertussis | 104,046 | 0.474 (0.121 to 2.150) | 0.204 | 24 | 0.011 (0 to 0.030) | 0.009 | 0.231 | ||
Neonatal tetanus | 14,764 | 0.070 (0.002 to 0.212) | 0.029 | 1386 | 0.656 (0.010 to 2.350) | 0.529 | 93.877 | ||
Gastrointestinal diseases | 3,713,089 | 17.401 (4.618 to 37.791) | 7.276 | 595 | 0.356 (0.010 to 1.230) | 0.227 | 0.160 | ||
Bacillary and amebic dysentery | 3,473,204 | 16.280 (4.119 to 35.122) | 6.806 | 520 | 0.247 (0.010 to 1.050) | 0.199 | 0.150 | ||
Typhoid and paratyphoid | 239,885 | 1.120 (0.499 to 2.669) | 0.470 | 75 | 0.036 (0 to 0.130) | 0.029 | 0.313 | ||
Vector-borne diseases | 433,171 | 2.027 (0.152 to 5.503) | 0.849 | 2156 | 1.013 (0.100 to 3.820) | 0.823 | 4.977 | ||
Japanese encephalitis | 38,435 | 0.181 (0.021 to 0.585) | 0.075 | 1827 | 0.859 (0.060 to 3.540) | 0.698 | 47.535 | ||
Malaria | 222,721 | 1.056 (0.073 to 4.604) | 0.436 | 301 | 0.141 (0.040 to 0.350) | 0.115 | 1.351 | ||
Dengue fever | 94,478 | 0.432 (0.003 to 3.458) | 0.185 | 13 | 0.006 (0 to 0.040) | 0.005 | 0.138 | ||
Schistosomiasis | 77,537 | 0.359 (0.003 to 2.506) | 0.152 | 15 | 0.008 (0 to 0.030) | 0.006 | 0.193 | ||
Zoonotic infections | 642,425 | 2.963 (1.762 to 4.346) | 1.259 | 23,739 | 11.158 (1.400 to 25.380) | 9.066 | 36.952 | ||
Leptospirosis | 8276 | 0.039 (0.011 to 0.109) | 0.016 | 168 | 0.080 (0 to 0.350) | 0.064 | 20.300 | ||
Brucellosis | 604,789 | 2.786 (1.417 to 4.223) | 1.185 | 14 | 0.007 (0 to 0.030) | 0.005 | 0.023 | ||
Anthrax | 5204 | 0.024 (0.014 to 0.041) | 0.010 | 53 | 0.024 (0 to 0.090) | 0.020 | 10.184 | ||
Rabies | 24,156 | 0.114 (0.014 to 0.251) | 0.047 | 23,504 | 11.047 (1.340 to 25.110) | 8.976 | 973.009 | ||
Bacterial infections | 16,035,563 | 74.497 (48.948 to 98.986) | 31.425 | 46,794 | 21.731 (13.700 to 29.040) | 17.870 | 2.918 | ||
Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis | 8453 | 0.040 (0.004 to 0.178) | 0.017 | 845 | 0.400 (0.020 to 1.580) | 0.323 | 99.965 | ||
Scarlet fever | 734,758 | 3.381 (1.180 to 5.853) | 1.440 | 10 | 0.005 (0 to 0.020) | 0.004 | 0.014 | ||
Tuberculosis | 15,292,352 | 71.076 (47.764 to 96.879) | 29.968 | 45,939 | 21.326 (13.670 to 28.490) | 17.544 | 3.004 | ||
Sexually transmitted infections | 8,406,048 | 38.722 (24.032 to 51.911) | 16.473 | 172,249 | 78.781 (10.120 to 150.360) | 65.781 | 20.491 | ||
AIDS | 570,576 | 2.605 (0.432 to 5.099) | 1.118 | 171,240 | 78.311 (5.700 to 150.360) | 65.396 | 300.118 | ||
Gonorrhea | 1,936,211 | 8.987 (6.817 to 13.872) | 3.794 | 15 | 0.008 (0 to 0.020) | 0.006 | 0.008 | ||
Syphilis | 5,899,261 | 27.130 (9.727 to 38.368) | 11.561 | 994 | 0.463 (0.280 to 0.660) | 0.380 | 0.168 | ||
Viral hepatitis | 20,763,593 | 96.217 (81.105 to 108.441) | 40.690 | 12,742 | 5.939 (3.470 to 10.330) | 4.866 | 0.614 | ||
Hepatitis A | 571,552 | 2.678 (1.055 to 5.868) | 1.120 | 200 | 0.094 (0.010 to 0.330) | 0.076 | 0.350 | ||
Hepatitis B | 16,533,416 | 76.659 (64.286 to 89.005) | 32.400 | 9704 | 4.524 (2.580 to 7.610) | 3.706 | 0.587 | ||
Hepatitis C | 2,656,625 | 12.219 (4.072 to 16.015) | 5.206 | 1897 | 0.879 (0.700 to 1.220) | 0.724 | 0.714 | ||
Hepatitis E | 388,867 | 1.796 (1.196 to 2.178) | 0.762 | 423 | 0.197 (0.080 to 0.410) | 0.162 | 1.088 | ||
Unspecified hepatitis | 611,639 | 2.865 (0.584 to 5.481) | 1.199 | 518 | 0.244 (0.010 to 0.890) | 0.19 | 0.847 |
aIncidence data and mortality data for infectious diseases are from January 2005 to December 2020. Incidence was calculated as the number of annual cases divided by the population size; mortality as the number of deaths per year divided by the population size; and the case-fatality ratio as the number of annual deaths divided by the number of annual cases. The specific incidence and mortality rates for each type of disease were also calculated. Yearly incidence and yearly mortality are averages for notifiable periods.

Type and infectious disease | Time trenda | Seasonal trendb | ||||
Mann-Kendall trend | P value | Sen’s slope | Seasonal featurec | P value | ||
Total | Decrease | <.001 | –4.735 | July 14 (April 13 to October 13) | <.001 | |
Quarantinable diseases | ||||||
Plague | Stable | .25 | –0.000 | Not significant | .99 | |
Cholera | Decrease | <.001 | –0.000 | Not significant | .92 | |
Hemorrhagic fever | Stable | .10 | –0.021 | Not significant | .73 | |
Vaccine-preventable diseases | ||||||
Measles | Decrease | <.001 | –0.616 | April 25 (February 12 to July 8) | <.001 | |
Pertussis | Increase | .03 | 0.028 | Not significant | .70 | |
Neonatal tetanus | Decrease | <.001 | –0.013 | Not significant | .99 | |
Gastrointestinal diseases | ||||||
Bacillary and amoebic dysentery | Decrease | <.001 | –1.751 | July 30 (May 9 to October 21) | <.001 | |
Typhoid and paratyphoid | Decrease | <.001 | –0.072 | Not significant | .47 | |
Vector-borne diseases | ||||||
Japanese encephalitis | Decrease | <.001 | –0.025 | Not significant | .12 | |
Malaria | Decrease | <.001 | –0.131 | August 24 (June 9 to November 8) | .04 | |
Dengue fever | Increase | .01 | 0.025 | March 30 (February 26 to May 1) | .006 | |
Schistosomiasis | Stable | .26 | –0.013 | Not significant | .56 | |
Zoonotic infections | ||||||
Leptospirosis | Decrease | <.001 | –0.004 | Not significant | .78 | |
Brucellosis | Increase | .001 | 0.130 | June 13 (March 12 to September 15) | .03 | |
Anthrax | Decrease | .01 | –0.001 | Not significant | .95 | |
Rabies | Decrease | <.001 | –0.015 | Not significant | .96 | |
Bacterial infections | ||||||
Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis | Decrease | <.001 | –0.006 | Not significant | .84 | |
Scarlet fever | Increase | .02 | 0.276 | Not significant | .86 | |
Tuberculosis | Decrease | <.001 | –2.733 | May 23 (January 7 to October 7) | .003 | |
Sexually transmitted infections | ||||||
AIDS | Increase | <.001 | 0.327 | Not significant | .68 | |
Gonorrhea | Stable | .10 | –0.250 | Not significant | .65 | |
Syphilis | Increase | <.001 | 1.621 | Not significant | .20 | |
Viral hepatitis | ||||||
Hepatitis A | Decrease | <.001 | –0.287 | Not significant | .90 | |
Hepatitis B | Decrease | .003 | –1.400 | Not significant | .47 | |
Hepatitis C | Increase | <.001 | 0.759 | Not significant | .90 | |
Hepatitis E | Increase | .04 | 0.046 | Not significant | .66 | |
Unspecified hepatitis | Decrease | <.001 | –0.317 | Not significant | .91 |
aThe nonparametric Mann-Kendall trend test and Sen’s methods were applied to determine the magnitude and significance of the time trends. The estimated slope indicates the number of yearly new cases per 100,000 during the study period.
bThe circular distribution method was applied to analyze the seasonal feature and significance. The seasonal peak reflects the concentration of cases in the time distribution, while the period in parentheses indicates a significant seasonal feature, which is the peak period of the specific infectious diseases. The incidence is more concentrated during this period. The date outside the parentheses indicates the peak day, where the incidence is speculated to reach the highest.
cData presented as month date.

Quarantinable diseases, vaccine-preventable diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and vector-borne diseases showed a gradually improving situation ( Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Figure 3), with the incidence declining in almost all the provinces (red color becoming lighter on maps). By contrast, the geographical range with a high incidence of zoonotic infections expanded from North China (Inner Mongolia and Shanxi) to Northwest (Xinjiang and Ningxia); bacterial infections followed a general trend in which they become more severe in inland provinces (Northwest) over time, and the coastal provinces generally reported a decreasing incidence; and the geographical range with a high incidence of sexually transmitted infections rapidly expanded to almost the whole country. Global Moran I revealed a concentration tendency of high-incidence units for most types of infectious diseases (Table S4 in
Multimedia Appendix 1
Figures 4 and S1-S3 in
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Figure 5, no high-high cluster area was detected in the case of quarantinable diseases and viral hepatitis; furthermore, only 1 high-high cluster area each was detected in the case of vaccine-preventable diseases (Sichuan) and vector-borne diseases (Guangxi). By contrast, the high-high cluster areas of the other 4 groups of infectious diseases were concentrated in more provinces, including gastrointestinal diseases (Beijing and Tianjin), zoonotic infections (Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Ningxia, and Gansu), bacterial infections (Xinjiang, Tibet, and Qinghai), and sexually transmitted infections (Tibet and Fujian). The descriptive and spatial cluster maps of 27 included disease are displayed in Figures S4-S30 in
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Principal Findings
We reported the latest spatiotemporal and seasonal trends of 8 types of notifiable infectious diseases in China. The results reveal that viral hepatitis, bacterial infections, and sexually transmitted infections are the 3 main groups of diseases among the cases reported between January 2005 and December 2020, accounting for 88.59% (45,205,204/51,028,733) of the cases attributed to the 27 selected infectious diseases. Furthermore, the incidence of 8 (pertussis, dengue fever, brucellosis, scarlet fever, AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis C and E) of the 27 selected notifiable infectious diseases is still increasing in China. Measles (P<.001), BAD (P<.001), malaria (P=.04), dengue fever (P=.006), brucellosis (P=.03), and tuberculosis (P=.003) were found to be characterized by significant seasonal distribution, while AIDS and tuberculosis accounted for 82.94% (217,179/261,851) of the deaths associated with the 27 selected diseases. Disparities were observed in the burden of most infectious diseases, with a shift of burden of bacterial infections and sexually transmitted infections from coastal to inland provinces.
Quarantinable Diseases
Outbreaks of plague and cholera, the deadliest infectious diseases in China and the world, have occurred since the early 19th century, and waves of infection continue to occur until today. One of the globally known combative programs, the Wu Lien-Teh, eradicated plague through a series of measures, such as the wearing of masks, initiating quarantine, and cremating plague victims, from 1910 to 1911 [Lien Teh W, Tuck G. Investigations into the relationship of the tarbagan (Mongolian marmot) to plague. The Lancet 1913 Aug;182(4695):529-535. [CrossRef]23]. After the People’s Republic of China was founded, the number of annual plague cases decreased dramatically to less than 100 cases per year, which persisted until the end of the 1990s. By contrast, 3 major outbreaks of cholera with more than 20,000 cases were recorded from 1950 to 2000 [Didelot X, Pang B, Zhou Z, McCann A, Ni P, Li D, et al. The role of China in the global spread of the current cholera pandemic. PLoS Genet 2015 Mar 13;11(3):e1005072 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24]. Since the beginning of the 21st century, plague and cholera, the only 2 class A notifiable infectious diseases in China, persist at very low endemic levels with a continuously decreasing incidence, which may be attributed to improved health-related awareness and strict control measures. Our study demonstrates that plague and cholera were well-tamed, while hemorrhagic fever remained active across all provinces in China. Overall, there were 50 plague cases, 1991 cholera cases, and 182,879 hemorrhagic fever cases between 2005 and 2020 ( Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Table 1). By contrast, the incidence of hemorrhagic fever remained relatively stable after 2010 (
Figure 1A) and it was highly variable across different regions, while the disparities in the burden have gradually reduced, with provinces in Northeast China identified as high-risk areas for hemorrhagic fever (Figure S6 in
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Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Our study reveals that most vaccine-preventable diseases in China are under control despite seasonal, sporadic outbreaks of measles and pertussis in the country. The continuous efforts in increasing vaccine coverage play an important role in combating vaccine-preventable diseases [Ma C, Li F, Zheng X, Zhang H, Duan M, Yang Y, et al. Measles vaccine coverage estimates in an outbreak three years after the nation-wide campaign in China: implications for measles elimination, 2013. BMC Infect Dis 2015 Jan 22;15(1):23-28 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]27]. In the 1960s, a combined diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine and 3 attenuated measles vaccine strains (Beijing-55, Shanghai-191, and Changchun-47) were developed and introduced [Xu YH, Wang L, Xu J, Wang X, Wei C, Luo P, et al. Seroprevalence of pertussis in China: need to improve vaccination strategies. Hum Vaccin Immunother 2014 Sep 9;10(1):192-198 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28]. Moreover, in 1978, China implemented the first expanding strategy for the National Immunization Program based on WHO guidelines [Ma C, Li J, Wang N, Wang Y, Song Y, Zeng X, et al. Prioritization of Vaccines for Inclusion into China's Expanded Program on Immunization: Evidence from Experts' Knowledge and Opinions. Vaccines (Basel) 2022 Jun 24;10(7):1010 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29]. In 1982, the Ministry of Health set vaccine coverage targets of 80%-90% for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and 90%-95% for measles by school age [Yu W, Lee LA, Liu Y, Scherpbier RW, Wen N, Zhang G, et al. Vaccine-preventable disease control in the People's Republic of China: 1949-2016. Vaccine 2018 Dec 18;36(52):8131-8137 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]30]. Since 2005, citizens have been vaccinated for measles, pertussis, and tetanus for free, as both vaccines are included in the National Immunization Program, which is fully government funded [Wang H, An Z, Yin Z. Achievements in prevention and control of seven infectious diseases targeted by the National Immunization Program in China across 70 years. Chinese J Vaccines Immun 2019;25(4):359-366.31]. From 2005 to 2020, measles accounted for more than 86.02% (731,114/849,924) of the total cases of vaccine-preventable diseases, with Tibet and Qinghai identified as a high-high cluster area during 2017-2020 (Figure S7 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
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Gastrointestinal Diseases
In the 20th century, the number of reported cases of gastrointestinal diseases continued to decline due to improvements in sanitary conditions, along with the development of the live oral Shigella vaccine and Vi polysaccharide vaccine [Wang X, Tao F, Xiao D, Lee H, Deen J, Gong J, et al. Trend and disease burden of bacillary dysentery in China (1991-2000). Bull World Health Organ 2006 Jul 01;84(7):561-568 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]35,Ochiai RL, Acosta CL, Danovaro-Holliday MC, Baiqing D, Bhattacharya SK, Agtini MD, Domi Typhoid Study Group. A study of typhoid fever in five Asian countries: disease burden and implications for controls. Bull World Health Organ 2008 Apr 1;86(4):260-268 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. Our study results reveal an endemic situation and geographical disparity regarding gastrointestinal diseases, with a higher burden identified in the densely populated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region (BAD; Figure S10 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
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Vector-Borne Diseases
Our study clearly shows China’s great achievements in controlling vector-borne diseases and highlights its urgency in meeting the challenges posed by dengue fever. After nearly 70 years of battling malaria (since 1949), a milestone of 0 indigenous malaria cases was achieved in 2017 [Lai S, Sun J, Ruktanonchai NW, Zhou S, Yu J, Routledge I, et al. Changing epidemiology and challenges of malaria in China towards elimination. Malar J 2019 Mar 29;18(1):107-111 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Routledge I, Lai S, Battle KE, Ghani AC, Gomez-Rodriguez M, Gustafson KB, et al. Tracking progress towards malaria elimination in China: Individual-level estimates of transmission and its spatiotemporal variation using a diffusion network approach. PLoS Comput Biol 2020 Mar 23;16(3):e1007707 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41]. In June 2021, China was officially awarded a malaria-free certification by the WHO, making it the first country in the WHO Western Pacific Region to be certified in more than 3 decades [Yang G, Shang L, Zhou X, Lee TE, Bi B, White M, et al. The empirical support for the radical cure strategy for eliminating Plasmodium vivax in China. BMC Med 2022 Jan 21;20(1):17-14 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42]. During our research period, there were only a few small-scale regional outbreaks of malaria in Yunnan and Anhui provinces (Figure S13 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
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Zoonotic Infections
Our study exhibits the evolution of brucellosis from a sporadic disease to a major public health concern due to an increase in its geographical range and the number of cases. During the 21st century, brucellosis was the only 1 among the 4 selected zoonotic infections with increasing incidence and the only 1 characterized by significant seasonality. In 2020, 47,245 diagnosed cases were reported in China, with an incidence of 3.37 cases per 100,000. This disease tends to occur predominantly from March to September ( Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Table 2). By contrast, the incidence of leptospirosis, human rabies, and anthrax diminished to less than 0.03 cases per 100,000 in 2020, which is possibly due to the country’s investment in health worker training and increased access to postexposure prophylaxis [Yin W, Dong J, Tu C, Edwards J, Guo F, Zhou H, Rabies TechnicalAdvisory Board. Challenges and needs for China to eliminate rabies. Infect Dis Poverty 2013 Oct 02;2(1):23 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]50,Dhewantara PW, Mamun AA, Zhang W, Yin W, Ding F, Guo D, et al. Epidemiological shift and geographical heterogeneity in the burden of leptospirosis in China. Infect Dis Poverty 2018 May 18;7(1):57 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]51]. Historically, human brucellosis has primarily affected northern China; however, there have been increasing reports of outbreaks in other regions in recent years. High-risk regions were found in provinces with highly developed animal husbandry such as Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang (Figure S17 in
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Bacterial Infections
Our study demonstrates the quick shift of tuberculosis burden from coastal to inland provinces and the resurgence of scarlet fever after 2010. During the study period, tuberculosis was the leading cause of death apart from AIDS, although there was a slight decrease in the incidence of tuberculosis from 96.88 per 100,000 to 47.76 per 100,000. High-high clusters of tuberculosis were mainly distributed in the western region due to the underdeveloped economy and poor medical resources, as well as in southwest China due to rainfall and humidity (Figure S22 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
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Sexually Transmitted Infections
Our study reveals an increasing trend in AIDS and syphilis epidemics, accompanied by significant spatial disparities in the burden of all sexually transmitted infections. We found that AIDS caused a larger number of deaths and is particularly prominent in the southwestern area (Figure S23 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
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Viral Hepatitis
Our study demonstrates the distinct epidemiologic trends of fecal-oral transmitted hepatitis (A and E) and blood-borne hepatitis (B and C), with the latter resulting in a significant burden on communities. The fecal-oral transmitted hepatitis A and E exhibited opposite trends and inconsistent spatial cluster features. Notably, the incidence of hepatitis A declined from 2005 to 2020, which may be attributed to the improved sanitation and hygiene conditions in China. This also explains why the hotspots were located in the undeveloped western units (Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, etc; Figure S26 in Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables. Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.Multimedia Appendix 1
Table 2). With hotspots located in the Yangtze River Delta region, hepatitis E infections usually occur as sporadic cases (Figure S29 in
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Our study had some limitations. First, as an ecological study, there is a risk of ecological fallacy, where trends in the geographical resolution we used might not have represented true subnational trends. Specifically, causality at the individual level could not be inferred based on a higher incidence in a geographical unit. Second, due to data availability–related issues, this study only investigated the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of notifiable infectious disease cases at the provincial level; however, smaller spatial scales (such as the city or county level) contribute exponentially to the applicability and significance of the analysis. Third, the national surveillance system is not an exhaustive source and is potentially systematically biased in some geographical units. Furthermore, there are differences in screening and reporting capacity between coastal and inland provinces due to different economic development levels; therefore, some cases were not included as the patients did not seek medical services, and the reported yearly incidence could have been underestimated in some provinces. The surveillance system may also suffer delays during Chinese New Year (usually in January or February). This explains the sudden surge of cases in March for many diseases. In the year 2020, the incidence of many types of notifiable infectious diseases decreased. We believe that the decreasing trend may be overestimated as the nationwide nonpharmaceutical interventions and public risk perception in the COVID-19 epidemic may have had a broad impact on infectious disease notification and follow-up examinations [Song C, Yin H, Shi X, Xie M, Yang S, Zhou J, et al. Spatiotemporal disparities in regional public risk perception of COVID-19 using Bayesian Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficients (STVC) series models across Chinese cities. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct 2022 Jul;77:103078 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Geng M, Zhang H, Yu L, Lv C, Wang T, Che T, et al. Changes in notifiable infectious disease incidence in China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nat Commun 2021 Nov 26;12(1):6923 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]72]. Another limitation of this study is that we only included 27 notifiable infectious diseases to facilitate the comparison of results and we did not examine bivariate or multivariate relationships among these 27 diseases or diseases with similar epidemiological causes. Therefore, further studies are required to examine disease comorbidity and the cost-effectiveness of disease-combined interventions.
Some types of infectious diseases, especially viral hepatitis, bacterial infections, and sexually transmitted infections, continue to impose a significant burden on the population in China. Significant disparities were observed in the burden of most infectious diseases, with a shift from coastal to inland provincial units. Therefore, prevention and control policies that vary across localities should be formulated to target the identified up-to-date high-risk areas.
We thank the Chinese CDC for opening and sharing the Public Health Science Data Center. This study was funded by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (JCYJ20220530113208019) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 72174118). The funders had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. We confirm that we have full access to all the data in the study and accept responsibility to submit for publication.
Data Availability
Additional data are available upon request from the corresponding author.
Authors' Contributions
BZ and JZ conceived the idea for this study. BZ, JZ, and NZ collected data. BZ, JZ, GS, NZ, FL, YZ, XH, and RH analyzed and drafted the manuscript. YW, WC, HX, YS, YF, WHZ, LZ, SB, and YM assisted with data interpretation and critical review of the manuscript. SB and YM supervised the study and verified the underlying data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
Multimedia Appendix 1
Supplementary Materials: Technical Note, Additional Figures and Tables.
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BAD: bacillary and amoebic dysentery |
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CISDCP: China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention |
WHO: World Health Organization |
Edited by G Eysenbach; submitted 20.09.22; peer-reviewed by C Song, C Zhao, J Wang, S Yan, YL Cheong, F Benezit; comments to author 03.02.23; revised version received 27.03.23; accepted 29.03.23; published 27.04.23
Copyright©Junyao Zheng, Ning Zhang, Guoquan Shen, Fengchao Liang, Yang Zhao, Xiaochen He, Ying Wang, Rongxin He, Wenna Chen, Hao Xue, Yue Shen, Yang Fu, Wei-Hong Zhang, Lei Zhang, Samir Bhatt, Ying Mao, Bin Zhu. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (https://publichealth.jmir.org), 27.04.2023.
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